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Allice Walker

Essay by   •  April 28, 2016  •  Study Guide  •  317 Words (2 Pages)  •  886 Views

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Annotated Bibliography

Andrews, Claudia Emerson, and Janet McCann. "Alice Walker." Magill’S Survey Of American

 Literature, Revised Edition (2006): 1-9. Literary Reference Center. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

This gives me information about Alice Walker’s biography, principle works, and analysis

 about her compositions “The Color Purple” and “Everyday Use.” The author also points

 out the relationships between Alice Walker and her collections.

Barat, Frank. "Alice Walker." New Internationalist 455 (2012): 46. Academic Search Complete.

 Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

This source tells me about Alice Walker’s viewpoints about life values, age, and what she

 is passionate about politically.

Mason, Janet. "Sharecropper's daughter." The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide 11.6 (2004):

 39. Literature Resource Center. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

The information in this article is all about her early life, her background, and her famous

 novel “The Color Purple” which is about the lesbian relationship between two main

 characters, Shug and Celie.

Seaman, Donna. "Newsmaker: Alice Walker." American Libraries 44.6 (2013): 20. Academic

 Search Complete. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

This source is about an interview of Alice Walker. It gives me information about her

 collections and the prices which she won. During the interview, she told us about her

 writing career of how she approached the diverse forms of literature she wrote.

 Furthermore, I also can get the information of how much she loves literature and how

 important of literature to her life.

Walker, Alice. “Official Biography.” Alice Walker. Alice Walker, n.d. Web. 20 April 2014.

        This is Alice Walker’s own website. The article will give me the exact information of her



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