Essay by 24 • April 12, 2011 • 835 Words (4 Pages) • 1,236 Views
A river of blood clings to the overflowing banks of Life causing plague and adding life to man's imagination. The Bible, a source of great knowledge and inspiration, has aided mankind in the search for wisdom through illustration and warning. Many writers in our society have heeded the blood full infection and thus turned to the Bible for insight. The book of Deuteronomy found in the Hebrew Scriptures and the book of Matthew found in the Christian Greek Scriptures have provided ideas for man to allude to.
The scripture found at Deuteronomy 16:3 provides man with the idea of both reminder and symbolism. From this scripture God commanded the Jews not to eat anything leavened for seven days. They were to eat unfermented cakes, or "the bread of affliction" because on the day they escaped captivity from Egypt they had to make haste and therefore could not wait for ordinary cake or bread to raise. The eating of unfermented cakes at this time was in harmony with the instructions Moses received from God which includes the strict injunction, at verse 19: "Seven days no sourdough is to be found in your houses (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)." In Deuteronomy 16: 3 the unfermented cakes are called "the bread of affliction," and they were a yearly reminder to the Jews of their hurried departure from the land of Egypt. The bread thus helped them recall the state of affliction and bondage from which Israel had been delivered, even as God himself said, "that you may remember the day of your coming out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life." With the representation of unleavened bread as affliction many can take the idea and allude to this in today's society. With the omission of yeast the bread could be seen as deprived and therefore unsatisfactory to human needs. Today the application of the allusion could refer to man's depravity, which serves as a constant reminder by the infliction of hunger pains with the lack of "yeast" or the justice needed to rule over mankind. The allusion could reflect our current situation of terror found world wide in today's society. Affliction will always be a reminder, symbolized in various forms-such as depravity, in man's society.
Another example of removal is life. The scripture found at Matthew 8: 21, 22 evokes the idea of faithfulness. In this scripture Jesus at the time had a crowd gathered around him and in that a crowd a man, one of his disciples, called out to him and asked if he would allow him to go first, instead of following Jesus, to bury his father, and Jesus in return said to him: "Keep following me, and let the dead bury their dead (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)." Jesus did not literally mean that the