Essay by 24 • October 7, 2010 • 1,802 Words (8 Pages) • 2,381 Views
This paper will take a look into the movie Amadeus, to see if the film accurately
depicts the history of Amadeus and the enlightenment of the characters. The time period
that the film takes place in is the 18th century. There is a mixture of social class in this
film. There are rulers and commoners shown in this film. The main characters in the film
which are Mozart, Salieri, and Emperor Joseph represent actual historical figures. The
film was made in 1984.
The film was somewhat accurate with the characters and the time, but for the
most part the film never stated what year everything was happening in. Someone could
tell that the time frame of the film was the 18th century, but you really couldn't tell the
exact year it was happening. For example in one scene where Mozart's father comes to
see him and his wife, we find out that she is pregnant. Later on in the movie she has a
child. There was no reference of time in the film. You can tell that months passed through
simple action like that one in the film. Another example would be in the time Amadeus
took to make his works. It's hard to tell how long he took to make his operas, the way the
filmed showed. As for the characters the film depicted them well. There were some
things that did seem right. For the way they showed Salieri to kill Mozart. Looking at
information on this, I couldn't find a fact to state that Salieri killed Mozart. As stated in
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia "he died of typhoid fever in Venna on Dec. 5
1791; his burial was attended by few friends and the place of his grave is unmarked."
This states nothing that Salieri was the reason for Amadeus' death. The film is trying to
market the film as a tale of murder. But there really wasn't any murder in this film. More
like a man willing to die to finish something he believed as a work of art. The film
Amadeus 3
depicts Mozart more to killing him self then Salieri murdering him. Someone could argue
that Salieri did kill Mozart by dressing like his father to make the final opera. But this
was Mozart own doing, as his obsession with having perfect music took him over. Not to
get me wrong the film did a good job in showing Mozart. It had historical value and
entertainment. This film can be viewed as a quick historical view of Mozart not a detail
work of Mozart.
Enlightenment is shown many times through this film. For example when
Emperor Joseph wanted Amadeus to stay in Vienna to make an opera he also wanted him
to stay because it would upset the bishop. There were also many ideas that Mozart
showed Joseph. Joseph allowed these works to happen showed his enlightenment. These
idea were seen wrong in the social class in Vienna, but Joseph still accept these ideas.
One example was the first opera that Mozart did for Joseph. Amadeus wanted to
do the opera in German. This was seen as unmoral cause all opera's were in Italian. Also
Mozart wanted to use a setting of Turkey. This idea was accepted by Joseph. The ideas
that Joseph accepted looked to be the most risky. These idea showed that he was an
enlighten Despot. Another example was when Mozart was plan on doing an opera on The
Marriage of Figaro. This was a very risquй opera. Mozart promised that it not going to be
a vulgar opera. Joseph again agreed to this opera, even do his subjects didn't agree. Then
during rehearsals there was ballet in the opera which was against the law to have in the
opera. This law was made by Joseph. Then after seeing the play without it, he wanted it
in because it didn't look right. He basically changed his own law, to the displeased of his
subjects again. Emperor Joseph showed enlightenment many times in this film.
Amadeus 4
Mozart can be viewed as an enlightenment hero. He stood against the opposition
of the church and the convention. For example Mozart showed his displease of what the
bishop said by showing him how much the people loved him. Also Mozart's actions were
totally different to the social class. He was a vulgar young man that followed his own
beliefs. When Salieri was looking for him, he played a game with himself. To see if
Mozart's famous works can be shown by his personality. Salieri seen a young perverted
young man that he couldn't believe was the genius known as Mozart. This was a