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Essay by   •  November 4, 2010  •  6,801 Words (28 Pages)  •  1,484 Views

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This is the story of a beautiful English woman, during the Victorian times, who's passions had more control than reason over her and which eventually led her down a path from which there is no turning back, ever.

Chapter one

The sailing vessel finally made it to the pier of the port of the island of Zanzibar, to the immense relief of it's passengers. Among them was Annabelle, a stunning beauty, even by today's standards. She was in her late twenties, and shockingly unmarried for those times,

She was 5 ft 7 with the face of an angel, beautiful upturned French nose, sensual pink pouting lips, high check bones, stunning light green eyes and long thick wavy hair that was this rear mixture of light brown with red and blond streaks and it reached down to her waist, but was now piled up under her hat. Her body was perfection it's self, small delicate shoulders, with a narrow ribcage and breasts that were larger than would fit someone so slim, they were now held in the reinforced iron grip of the bra of that era, but when let free

they hang just slightly low on her chest, enough to make any man's mouth water (and a few other things too), with her light pink delectable nipples needing the slightest provocation to become hard. Her waist was slim but at the hips her body expanded shaping in a large firm and beautifully curved ass, as though sculptured, with big firm satin skinned cheeks. Her legs were what we call today fashion legs, they were long and beautifully curved in the thigh and below the knee ending in perfectly shaped feet.

She was arriving in Zanzibar to collect her thoughts and try to find for her own sake some logical explanation of her behaviour with her French lover, she needed the isolation this island would offer her.

She had been introduced to this tall French aristocrat two years ago, in the hope of her relatives that she would get married but things took a different course. The passions that burned inside her and which she tried hard to hide had somehow been released in the hands of this man and finally finding it impossible to resist her beauty, he had seduced her and although he had the reputation of a powerful lover, he had been alarmed and humbled by her wantonness in bed, At some time he had decided not to marry such an hot woman but to satisfy his kinky desires he had wanted to be next to her while someone else was using her body, so he started insinuating such a triangle but she rebuffed his attempts, until one night when she had a glass of wine too much, they ended in his bed more by force than her own free will and as his friend was mounting her with lust, he would ask, lying next to her, if she was enjoying it. At first she protested, but as the night wore on, the feeling of being helpless and the dominance of her lovers had taken over her senses and she had acted so passionately reaching to orgasms that had left her drained. After that she felt so ashamed of herself and wanted to break up with him, but could offer only meek resistance when it happened again and again and again, until one day her lover had to leave on a trip and she had found the chance to calm down and decided to collect her things and travel to some secluded place to collect her thoughts and examine her feelings.

Disembarking from the vessel and reaching her hotel had been an adventure in it's self, but now she had reached her room and thankfully there was that huge bathtub filled with hot water, she started undressing and when naked she slowly immersed her body into the now so welcoming water. She was unaware that a pair of eyes was watching her through a concealed hole in the wall facing her. As she relaxed in the tub, her hands wandered over her body in a sensual way, images of her fantasies flashing through her mind, slowly her left hand rested on her pussy and her right covered one of her nipples " No I shouldn't play with myself again" she thought, "I keep doing this a lot lately", but her long slim fingers closed over her clit and nipples and soon she was moaning, lost inside her secret fantasies.

-This woman is amazing, thought the person watching behind the wall, not only she is unbelievably beautiful, she needs to be made what I want to turn her into.

The person thinking these thoughts was a dark skinned woman in her late forties, with a full heavy body, not fat but the kind of shape found in the east. She had dark charcoal eyes and black hair cut just over her shoulders. She had a straight and hard mouth, just as she was hard and ruthless and not a little bit sadistic. She was short but with proportional legs and a flat belly.

Her spies at the port had always reported to her if there was any pretty woman from the west disembarking, there was great demand in the east for such women by lesbian queens and princesses to add to their harems, and they would pay fortunes for them, but none had ever arrived as pretty as the one she was watching, but she would not sell this one, she would keep her in her own private harem on the far side of the island and she would earn her a large fortune. "It got even better", she thought "she has arrived alone and does not seem to know anyone here, I must now set up my trap for her".

Chapter two

It was evening now, and Annabelle was sitting in the first class lounge of the hotel were young slaves were moving fans overhead to cool the room, she had ventured outside for a while but it had been filthy and crowded and she thought maybe it was a mistake to come here. Then a dark skinned lady dressed in the local kuftan approached her and said " Hello miss Annabelle, welcome to our island" she was dressed in the way the affluent people dressed and had gold rings on her fingers, "My name is Samia and I found out your name from the British reident (a thoroughly corrupt man), I am usually asked to chaperone lonely ladies that arrive from England".

-Why that's so kind of you, said Annabelle, please sit down and tell me what there is to see on this island.

-The best thing you could do is to allow me to invite you to my mansion on the other side of the island and from where you can feel the fresh breeze of the sea, listen to some local music and try some of the local delicacies.

-I would love to do this, you are so kind, when could we do this?

-Now, if you want, my carriage is out side and the evening is still young.

-Alright, let us then go.

Samia could not believe how easy this had been, once she got this beauty inside her mansion, she would make



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