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Ancient Greece

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Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity

Gamma Tau Chapter

Amended October 18, 2007

The Gamma Tau Chapter Bylaws shall contain governing policies specific to Gamma Tau and shall be adhered to in conjunction with other required policies as stated by the National Constitution of Phi Sigma Pi.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Gamma Tau Chapter, Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity (hereafter referred to as Gamma Tau Chapter).

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Persons of good academic standing and excellent character shall be eligible for membership in the Gamma Tau Chapter. (See National Constitution Article IV, Section 2)

Section 2: Membership into Gamma Tau Chapter will be open to undergraduate students of Tulane University who have completed a minimum of one semester of college work and have achieved at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average on a 4.00 scale (where A=4.00). All new active members of Gamma Tau Chapter must have at least two (2) semesters of undergraduate work remaining after their semester of induction. All new active members of Gamma Tau must meet the Initiation requirements of Gamma Tau Chapter. Only active members may vote or hold office.

Section 3: To remain an active member in good standing, the member shall pay National Dues and Fees, pay Chapter Dues, and meet the requirements of the Chapter Attendance Policy (See Article II Section 6). All members must maintain a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0. Extenuating circumstances which prevent a Brother from obtaining at minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA will be evaluated and reviewed at the discretion of the Executive Board. A Brother will have one academic semester to raise their GPA above a 3.0 before Disciplinary Action is taken. All members, excluding those serving on the Executive Board (including the position of Chapter Advisory Board Chair) must also serve on at least one (1) committee or that member may be brought up for disciplinary action. The Vice-President serves as an “ex-officio” member of all standing committees and the Treasurer serves as an “ex-officio” member of the Fundraising Committee (National Constitution, Article XI, Section 6 and 8), but will only attend official committee meetings at the request of those committees on which they hold “ex-officio” seats and then at their own discretion. If active Chapter membership drops below forty (40), Executive Board members will be required to serve on committees.

Section 4: Membership into Phi Sigma Pi through the Gamma Tau Chapter is open to the entire qualified Tulane University undergraduate community. Gamma Tau Chapter shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disabled status in admission to, access to, treatment or, or employment in its programs and activities in accordance with Tulane University’s nondiscriminatory policy and the National Phi Sigma Pi Constitution.

Section 5: Each member is allowed one (1) semester of inactivity as long as that member is not on probation that semester and there are extenuating circumstances (such as personal illness or death in the family) which prevent the member from participating as an active member. Requests must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board before semester dues are due. A second semester of inactivity can be granted at the Executive Board’s discretion.

Section 6: Attendance Policy

A. Members must attend all meetings and mandatory events.

a. Weekly chapter meetings and emergency meetings scheduled at the discretion of the president are required.

b. Executive Board meetings are required for members of the Executive Board.

c. Executive Council meetings are required for members of the Executive Council.

d. The events of Pinning, Induction, and the Big/Little Ceremony (for members who choose to serve as Bigs) shall be mandatory events.

e. The validity of all excuses will be at the discretion of the Executive Board.

i. All foreseeable absences must be reported to the Recording Secretary by the time of the event or meeting. All foreseeable absences of the Recording Secretary must be reported to the President by the time of the event or meeting.

ii. All emergency absences must be reported to the Recording Secretary by the Executive Board meeting following the absence. All emergency absences of the Recording Secretary must be reported to the President by the Executive Board meeting following the absence

iii. Documentation may be required if a member accumulates excessive excused absences. Members can petition the Executive Board should they disagree with any decision.

iv. The following are examples of absences that will not be excused by the executive board: social engagements including, but not limited to, parties, football games, etc; unofficial study or review sessions (those not organized by a professor or teacher’s assistant); and studying.

v. If a member accumulates three (3) unexcused absences in a semester or misses any one (1) mandatory event, that member will fail to meet attendance requirements.

f. Committee meetings are required for all committee members. Excuses for missed committee meetings shall be at the discretion of the committee head(s).

B. Members are required to participate in a minimum of one (1) chapter sponsored fundraising event, one (1) chapter sponsored service event, one (1) chapter sponsored scholarship event, and one (1) chapter sponsored social event. Additionally, members must attend 50 % of rush information sessions, 50 % of rush events, and 50% of initiate events. (Rush events each semester start with either the Student Organization Fair if the Chapter participates or the first information session and run until Pinning.)

C. Members are required to assist the Initiate Advisors in proctoring official study hours.

a. An “official study hour” shall be defined according the Initiate Advisors every semester.

b. The Initiate Advisors will announce the number of hours required for brothers



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