Anger And Emotion
Essay by 24 • November 20, 2010 • 3,638 Words (15 Pages) • 2,103 Views
Studies on Anger and Aggression
Implications for Theories of Emotion
James R. Averill University of Massachusetts, Amherst
ABSTRACT: A series of surveys on the everyday experience
of anger is described, and a sample of data
from these surveys is used to address a number of
issues related to the social bases of anger. These issues
include the connection between anger and aggression;
the targets, instigations, and consequences of typical
episodes of anger; the differences between anger and
annoyance; and possible sex differences in the experience
and/or expression of anger. In a larger sense,
however, the primary focus of the paper is not on anger
and aggression. Rather, anger is used as a paradigm
case to explore a number of issues in the study of
emotion, including the advantages and limitations of
laboratory research, the use of self-reports, the proper
unit of analysis for the study of emotion, the relationship
between human and animal emotion, and
the authenticity of socially constituted emotional responses.
The history of theories of emotion during the 20th
century appears to be a welter of crosscurrents and
conflicting trends. Yet, against the background, a certain
periodicity can be discerned, Particular themes
well up, become dominant for a time, and sink back
into the general stream of thought. Each wave seems
to endure for roughly 20 years, as illustrated in Figure
The first wave depicted in Figure 1 represents
the psychophysiological theories stemming from the
earlier speculations of James (1890) and Dewey
(1895). This wave crested around 1910 and was on
the decline by the end of the decade, in part because
of Cannon's (1914) influential criticisms. The next
wave represents the ascendency of the behaviorist tradition,
as represented, for example, by Watson (1924)
and Tolman (1923). Neobehaviorism followed, in
which emotions were denned less as overt responses
than as intervening variables. This third wave is epitomized
by Brown and Farber (1951), who worked
within the Hull-Spence tradition, and by Lindsley
(1951), who provided a physiological locus (the reticular
activating system) for emotional activation or
drive. The 1960s saw the beginnings of the cognitive
"revolution," with the work of Arnold (1960),
Schachter (1964), and Lazarus (1966) deserving spe-
Figure 1
Historical Trends In Theories of Emotion During
the 20th Century
Behaviorist Cognitive
I 9 IO I930 I960
1970 I990
cial mention. There are now signs that this cognitive
wave is on the wane.2
What will the next wave be like? It is difficult
to say, for the field is in a state of flux. Biologically
based theories, with an emphasis on expressive reactions
as opposed to physiological changes, have articulate
advocates in Tomkins (1980), Izard (1977),
1 These 20-year epochs should be taken very loosely. They are
meant to illustrate general trends, and I do not want to imply strict
historical accuracy. Obviously, each wave had its antecedents in
preceding periods, and its influence continued to be felt in subsequent
epochs. (To take but one example, Schachter's cognitive
theory is, by his own account, "neo-Jamesian") The reader should
also note other theoretical traditions not mentioned in Figure 1вЂ"
for example, dimensional theories, stemming from Wundt; ethological
(evolutionary) theories, stemming from Darwin; centralneural
theories, stemming from Cannon; and psychoanalytical theories,
stemming from Freud. These approaches have provided a
consistent background, input, and critique, the cumulative effect
of which has been extremely important. However, they have never
come to dominate the field at any given time as have the four types
of theories mentioned in Figure 1. For a detailed history of theories
of emotions during the 20th century, see Mandler (1979).
2 The demise of the cognitive revolution is difficult to document
briefly. Like