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Animal Agriculture

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AGRI 100 - Agriculture Lectures

(Purdue AGR 101)

Fall, 2006

Class is scheduled to meet each Wednesday, 12:00 - 12:50, in Room B-4 of the McCormick Science Building.

Instructor: Dr. Charles W. Mansfield

McCormick Science Center, Room C-1

Vincennes University

Vincennes, IN 47591

Telephone: 888-4311


The objectives of AGRI 100 are:

Examine and characterize the broad field of agriculture.

Become familiar with significant issues facing agriculture today.

Explore challenges and career opportunities in agriculture.

Help you evaluate your own goals as you make career decisions.

You will meet individuals from different backgrounds who will share their experience, expertise and perspectives. Each one has unique abilities and interests, but all represent areas of knowledge that are interdependent in shaping the food, agricultural, and natural resource system.

As one aspiring to become a professional, you must gather information, evaluate the alternatives and make the choices. You must choose the courses, experiences, and very importantly, the appropriate people who will help you find your place in the system.

We are here to help you grow, stimulate your thinking, and evaluate the options. Please feel free to explore questions and ideas with us throughout the semester and beyond.


You are expected to attend all class sessions. Absences are not usually excused, but may be made-up by submitting a one-page summary of the topic that you missed within one week of your absence. Please do your paper on a computer word-processor. You may make up a maximum of two class sessions.

You will receive 3 points for each class that you attend. Likewise, you will receive 3 points for each satisfactory make-up report. Make-up reports must contain the following information:

1) Student's name & date missed.

2) Title of topic for that session.

3) Summary of article(s).

4) Bibliography that includes title of article(s), date published, where found, etc.

5) Attach a copy of the article(s).

The Vincennes University attendance policy is found on page 53 of the 2006-07 University catalog. Four absences from this class could result in you being dropped for non-attendance. However, drop for non-attendance after the midterm may not be automatic.

If you arrive late to class your grade will be discounted. You will be considered tardy if you are not present when class begins. All tardies after the first one will reduce your grade by 1 point each time you are late. If you are more than 15 minutes late you will be counted absent.


I. Picture, Student Data Form and Syllabus.

Have picture taken (Aug 23), and complete and hand in data form and syllabus by Aug. 30.

II. Resume - Your credentials

Due September 13. You are expected to submit a one-page personal resume in resume format. It is not necessary to include a picture of yourself. It is important that your resume be ERROR FREE, concise, well written, and not contain irrelevant information. A detailed explanation will be given in class.

You will receive 12 points for a satisfactory resume and zero (0) points for one that is unsatisfactory. You may attempt to raise your grade to satisfactory by submitting a revised version within one week of an unsatisfactory grade.1 A copy will be kept in your file.

III. Your professional goals

Due September 27. You are expected to submit a one to two page, double-spaced summary (1 inch margins and 10-12 point font size) of your professional goals and expectations after you finish college. Include the reasons that you have chosen these goals, special training or talents that you may possess, and other contributing factors to these goals, etc. You must also include a printout of your area of interest. The printout must include a job description, job outlook, average salaries, educational requirements, and links to websites with more information. Further explanation will be given in class.

You will receive 10 points for a satisfactory paper and zero (0) points for one that is unsatisfactory. You may attempt to raise your grade to satisfactory by submitting a revised version within one week of an unsatisfactory grade.1 A copy will be kept in your file.

IV. Critical Issue Paper - Summarize a critical issue in the U.S. food, agricultural, and natural resource system

Due October 25. You are expected to submit a two to three page, double-spaced summary (1 inch margins and 10-12 point font size) of what you feel is a critical issue in the U.S. food, agricultural, and natural resource system. Identify a current single issue and provide reasons to explain why you feel it is a critical issue. Provide 2 or more references, i.e., farm magazine, newspaper articles, scientific journal, etc. These references should be appropriately cited in the body of the paper and noted at the end in a bibliography. If you cite references found on the Internet, please print out a copy of that document and attach it to your paper.

You will receive 12 points for a satisfactory report and zero (0) points for one that is unsatisfactory. You may



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