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Animal Farm

Essay by   •  March 20, 2011  •  296 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,232 Views

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How would it feel if a stranger walked in and decided to change all the rules? Well, in the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, over powered is exactly how the animals felt when Napoleon took over. Subsequently, Napoleon knowingly manipulated the farm animals of Animal Farm through the use of fallacious reasoning and propaganda techniques.

Napoleon knowingly manipulated the animals with the use of snobbery. At all times, Napoleon always saw himself as the best and most important! “Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed our duty? Jones would come back” (Orwell 52). Napoleon is making the animals think that if the pigs do work, they will get tired and won’t be able to think straight. Consequently, the farm would go down in flames. Napoleon only cares about his own comfort, and disregards the Animal Farm rules. “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.”(79). Knowing the true rules Napoleon still goes against them for his own enjoyment. The one thing that Napoleon did constantly was lie to the hebetudinous animals! “Napoleon assured the animals that the stories of an impending attack on Animal Farm was completely untrue.” (105). Napoleon fib’s to the animals once again making the animals think something other then the truth like always.

In Animal Farm, Napoleon took advantage of the dense minds of the other animals and changed all of their traditional home rules. Animals were unable to pursue any bad, human like habits like sleeping in beds, drinking alcohol, wearing clothes, or killing animals because after all, all animals are equal. Unfortunately, the animals had no mind to rely on except for Napoleons maneuvering thoughts. Given these facts, Napoleon is guilty of taking advantage of the animals’ life style and completely altering their traditional rules.



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