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Antisemitism In Chaucer

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English 451 - Chaucer

The Art of Translation

Translating is a difficult process, and the translator makes difficult choices. Does he want to preserve formal structure (rhyme and meter)? be as accurate as possible with literal meaning? convey the tone of the original? modernize the language or use archaic diction? What other choices must the translator make and other consideratons take into account? How will his conception of his audience guide his choices?

Compare these translations of The Prioress' Tale as preparation for class discussion. Be sure to bring this handout to class! For your final project, you will create a translation of a portion of Chaucer. A formal assignment sheet will follow.

#1 Thus hath this widwe hir litel sone y-taught

Our blisful Lady, Christes moder dere,

To worshipe ay, and he forgat it naught,

For sely child wol alday sone lere;

But ay when I remembre on this mattere,

Seint Nicholas stant ever in my presence,

For he so yong to Christ did reverence.

Chaucer (c.1390)

#2 This Widow thus her little Son hath taught

Our blissful Lady, Jesu's Mother dear,

To worship aye, and he forgat it not;

For simple infant hath a ready ear.

Sweet is the holiness of youth; and hence,

Calling to mind this matter when I may

Saint Nicholas in my presence standeth aye,

For he so young to Christ did reverence.

Wordsworth, "Chaucer Modernized" (c. 1801)

#3 Thus had this widow taught her little boy

To reverence the mother of Christ, our dear

And blissful lady, and it was his joy;

A happy child will always learn and hear.

When I remember this, the ever-near

Saint Nicholas stands in my presence, he

Who did Christ reverence in his infancy.

$4 Thus the widow had taught her little son

always to worship our blissful Lady,

Christ's dear Mother, and he did not forget it,

for an innocent child will always learn quickly.

But whenever I think about this subject,

Saint Nicholas always comes to my mind,

since he did reverence to Christ so young.

A Kent & Constance Hiett (1964; Bantam)

#5 For the widow taught her little son always to revere our Blessed Lady thus, and he did not forget, for an innocent child always learns quickly. But every time I think of this, St. Nicholas comes into my mind; for he also reverence Christ at the same tender age. David Wright, A Prose Chaucer (1964)


#1 Fro thennes forth the Jewes han conspyred

This innocent out of this world to chace;




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