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Apple I-Pod Paper

Essay by   •  December 1, 2010  •  945 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,206 Views

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Apples I-Pod and I- Tunes in Digital Music and Video

The Introduction of Apple's Digital music player, the I-pod, and an Online Music Store (I-Tunes) was and is quite a revolution in the way music is bought and sold. You can buy songs from the online store for a mere 99 cents per song. When you download a song on to your player it is permanently yours, you now have the song permanently on your player. "Apple is planning to make available more than 2,000 music videos on the I-Tunes store that will cost $1.99 each. The new I-Pod will also support the MPEG-4 / H.264 video standard, meaning users could view home movies and other unencrypted videos on it." (Aims to be Video Star)

Illegal pirating websites like Napster let members download and share songs for free online, this seemed like a great deal at first; shortly after Napster's arrival many down-loaders and the creator found themselves dealing with lawsuits. Today there are still many websites that allow for the sharing of music without having to pay for them How ever, the quality on many songs is lacking. I have not paid for music on the internet but I would assume in doing so that the quality of music would be much better than that of pirated music.

Sales in the music business were steadily decreasing because of the illegal pirating of music over the internet. They were helped to overcome this illegal downloading and sending of songs, both on CD and DVD's. In October 2001, the I-pod sold via apple for a mere $349. It was a very sleek mobile and versatile design, and had a successful commercial of the dancing silhouette.

In the mid 2002 through April 2003, I-Tunes music store launched. I-pod could download songs from windows PC using windows media center, because music CO's did not allow the illegal downloading of their hit songs.

"Apple has also set up a deal with US television company ABC to let Americans purchase episodes of shows (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Night Stalker) for $1.99. The shows will be available the day after broadcast and without commercials. The video can be played back on up to five computers or downloaded to a video I-Pod, but they can't be copied to a CD or DVD (DRM). Although there was no information about when, or if, this service would come to Europe, latest decisions taken by the EU Comission would make it easier for new online services to take off in Europe." (Aims to be Video Star)

Jobs went to the music execs with new technology that copy protected any song sold by I-Tunes for 99 cents per song. The music publisher would get the majority of the money, approximately 65-77 cents.

The success of Steve Job's to digital music moved from selling songs on the internet to movies (overcoming Microsoft). "The iPod has "been a huge hit for us, so it's time to replace it," Apple CEO Steve Jobs said as he showed off the new video-capable MP3 player at an event here. "Yes, it does video." (Apple unvails new I-pod)

On January 6,2004 a cheap alternative to illegal downloading was introduced. It was a mini I-pod released for $249, its main purpose was to compete with low priced music players by competitors such as Dell and Samsung. These



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