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Application of Value Engineering in Enhancing Value of Automobile Tail Light Assembly

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Application of Value Engineering in enhancing value of automobile tail light assembly

IE 6220 Value Engineering

Project Report

Submitted to

Dr. Celestine Aguwa


Harsimran Singh Jagdev

Krishna Shah

Ratna Karthik Mullapudi

Table of Contents

  • Abstract...........................................................................3
  • Introduction ....................................................................4
  •  Project definition/description.........................................4
  • Literature review.............................................................7
  • Proposed work with contribution to subject matter.........9
  • Evaluation of proposal....................................................15
  • Conclusion.......................................................................17
  • Bibliography/References.................................................18


        For our project, we observed a shift in manufacturing with automobiles, where the tail lights extend on to the trunk door. Value engineering is a systematic method to improve the "value" of goods or products and services by using an examination of function. Our aim is to use Value Engineering to modify the tail light by reverting to a much simpler assembly which has the same basic function and is more cost effective, while improving the value of the product. We used many Value Engineering tools to come to the conclusion that modifying the taillight assembly is a viable solution to automakers to retain the same functions of displaying warning and enhance aesthetics. We wanted results that offer value to the customer and the auto-maker. All research and design methods are explained in detail in the paper.  The Value Analysis study is concluded with the best alternative suggestion.


        Tail light assembly of Automobile was chosen as a topic for Value Engineering study. We observed that in various car models, more parts existed than what could serve the functionality. We aimed at enhancing the value by modifying and simplifying the design, decreasing the number of parts used in assembling the tail light as it currently stands, yet performing the same function without any compromise.

        In this process apart from reduced complexity of parts used, the process of stamping, pressing sheet metal, cables, bulbs, holders and quality assurance and cost incurred in maintaining tolerance between mating parts would also get reduced.

Project Definition

        We are enhancing the value by modifying and simplifying the design, decreasing the number of parts used in assembling the tail light as it currently stands, yet performing the same function without any compromise.

Also the process of stamping, pressing sheet metal, cables, bulbs, holders and quality assurance and cost incurred in maintaining tolerance between mating parts are reduced.


        Sample images of a particular make of car having tail light on the chassis as well as on trunk lid. This leads to extra parts being used, as well as more machining is required to carve out space to make seat for the tail light.

[pic 1]      [pic 2]

[pic 3]   [pic 4]



The exploded view of the tail light assembly

[pic 5]

[pic 6]

Literature Review

The following papers have been reviewed by our group towards the V.E Project.

  1. Value Engineering in Product development process : An application in automotive industry

Authors: Damir Borsic ISVOR Fiat, Cesare Volante, Centro Recherche Fiat, Italy.

Source – SAVE International Conference 1999

                The main objective of this article is that it is essential that the applications of these methodologies start in the earliest phases of development so that is possible to assign every new product cost targets with client expectations and perceived functions value. This way all the information gathered can be codified in to a procedure and adjusted to the details of the product.  

  1. Product Development Process with focus on Value Engineering and Target costing : A case study in an automotive company

Authors:  Ugo Ibusuki, Paulo Carlos Kaminski, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo.

Source – Science Direct, August 2006

                The main objective of this paper is implementation of value engineering in cost         management process and develops functional analysis in products and their components.         Our main focus should be on cost management rather than cost reduction. Reduce the         number of parts by designing smaller and lighter parts that do not require expensive         production process. In our project we are implementing this strategy and found its worth.

  1. Value Engineering and Target coasting, an Integrated framwork in Design cost management: A mathematical Programming approach

Authors: F. Jariri and S.H. Zegordi

Source – Scientia Iranica, June 2008.

        A mathematical model was prepared which aimed at linking together the effect of Quality function Deployment (QFD), Value Engineering (VE)   and Target Costing (TC) in a single model. Survival Zone of product consists of interaction between these three factors: Price, Functionality, and Quality. There exists a narrow range of quality, functionality and cost for the product or process to sustain, and that there are tools and mathematical models available that can aid in selecting and computing the best distribution of the attributes. Also it may lead to superior end product/process if the capabilities of other cost management tools are clubbed together.



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