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Essay by   •  May 12, 2011  •  511 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,114 Views

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The sole purpose of choosing to write this paper is because of a proposed law that would prohibit spanking children under the age of three in California and I feel that discipline will be lost as a whole. I do not plan to mention this law in my paper, as I plan to address the issue of discipline as a whole. The world is already full of sin and children are being raised without any boundaries. There are already an overwhelming number of people who do not believe in spanking their children, and as a result the majority of their children are very rambunctious.

This topic really moves me because when I decide to have kids, I want to bring them into a world where other children are also well disciplined and are not problematic. Therefore I am writing my paper to a very broad audience, as I want it to target the American society as a whole because I feel it is a situation that affects everyone, be it parents, teachers, or just an everyday person who must interact with these people. I wishfully expect the readers of my paper to be influenced by my argument and ultimately prevent this law from being passed and convince parents to make the decision of spanking their children at an early age as a form of discipline.

When writing this paper, I am not confining my argument strictly to spanking. However I plan to address discipline as a whole. I also plan to address child behavior, and what makes them act as they do, and how parents are responsible for letting their household turn into a democracy where in some cases their kids are in control of the parents.

I must assume that all parents have a desire for their children to be well behaved in order for my paper to be effective. Considering this, I have embedded a personal voice of a concerned person who will be affected by this issue, as I must interact with people in my everyday routine, and also plan to have children myself. If this issue is left unaddressed I will have to deal with the undisciplined



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