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Argumentive Essay English 1302

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Nerlys Marzo

English 1302

Professor Hebert

February 12, 2017

Abortion can be the most controversial issue with no grounds of acceptance among two incomparable point-of-views. I don’t believe in abortion because it’s murder we should not be the ones to decide whether the life a woman has inside her should either live or die.  Being a life or death matter, abortion has surprisingly equal supporters on both sides. Looking at both sides we see that they each have a purpose which sounds right to them, either decreasing the number of aborted babies or making abortion more comfortable or safer for the mom.  Abortion should not be allowed because it allows women to be avoid responsibility, it can harm women physically and mentally and it is taking the life of an innocent lives.

"Abortion is sometimes used as an easy cover-up for a one-night stand or a solution to a relationship gone bad. Choosing to raise a child is responsible. Choosing adoption for a child is responsible. But choosing abortion and denying life to a child who already exists is irresponsibly – and irreparably – wrong." (Burton Brown)

When two adults decide to have intercourse, they should know the risks that it can bring. These adults should accept responsibility of what is happening and what it can happen after they are done with their activity. Not contraception is not 100% reliable, it can sometimes fail and that can proceed to a pregnancy. The best plan can fall apart either for the women or mad who conceived the baby, but responsibility should not be avoided by getting rid of an innocent child’s life. Being responsible and making hard, but correct decisions come all in the same package. Sometimes timing might not be in place and the situation might not be the best, either economically, having no father to raise the baby, or even future plans, yet that does not excuse the fact of the mother murdering a baby that conceived by them because it will ruin all their plans.

"Some people believe that having an abortion and ending a child’s life will solve their problems. Perhaps college becomes an easier option, maybe parents never find out that their daughter was pregnant, or possibly an affair remains undiscovered. But in reality, abortion only hides problems.  In the end, that’s what this is really about: our problems are not solved through killing an innocent person. Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right." (Andrusko, Dave)

A lot of young women are seeing in college or high school already pregnant and giving birth to unwanted children. Some of them take good responsibility for their act and assume the fact that they are going to be a mom. In some other cases they go straight forward to having an abortion as option number one to solve the problem. If a young woman is not ready to take the chances of getting pregnant, then she is certainly not ready to have sexual intercourse as part of their life yet.  Children do not ask to be a part of this life, they are brought by human choice.  Women need to learn that having a nice night with someone you currently love or just a fun friend is also taking responsibility for the consequences.

Abortions can induce to the following instant risks to a woman's health, Pelvic Infection, incomplete abortion risks, blood clots in the uterus, heavy bleeding, cut or torn cervix, puncture/tear of the wall of the uterus, anesthesia-related complications, Rh Immune Globulin Therapy, scar tissue on the uterine wall.  In addition, some research suggests a possible link between abortion and an increased risk of the following in future pregnancies: Vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy, preterm birth, low birth weight, retained placenta, an incompetent cervix poses risks for future pregnancies. A weakened or damaged cervix can lead to the potential for the cervix to open prematurely. (Abortion Recovery Program)

Abortion might be something that women see as only getting rid of a pregnancy. It is certainly on only the fact of tearing the fetus out of your womb, it can also include life long lasting health conditions to the woman herself.  Women who have an abortion can be physically and mentally affected in many ways. A lot of women get mentally unstable one they have an abortion because they start to feel guilt and even regret of the life they approved to get killed. These women can also experience the loss of their fertility and can be at risk of miscarriages in future wanted pregnancies because of the abortion. There have been few cases where women even die during an abortion because her internal organs can be damaged or her uterus can come out. Not only should abortion be banished because of the harm to the fetus, it is also causing serious problems to the mothers carrying the baby.

Fetuses do not know anything about life, or how they came into existence. All they can feel is the warm womb of their mother and the emotions she might feel. Inside the womb, children feel what their mothers feel, if they love them, they would know, and if they are not welcome into this world they can since it as well. Having an abortion is just a selfish act which takes away the life of an innocent unborn baby which cannot choose to live or die. In the other hand why should mothers have the right to have the aby or not? It is an unfair fact that goes around each day in this world we live in. It is unfair for a child who did not ask to be conceived, to face the horrible circumstances of an abortion. It is a horrible decision to abort an innocent life who has no faults for anything in life.



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