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Art...What The Hell Is It?

Essay by   •  November 6, 2010  •  686 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,574 Views

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ArtÐ'....What the Hell is it?!

What is art you ask? Art is described by Leo Tolstoy as any work that causes the receiver to enter into a certain kind of relationship both with he who produced, or is producing the art, and with all those who, simultaneously, previously, or subsequently, receive the same artistic impression. Tolstoy believed that the activity of art is based upon the capacity of man to receive another man's expression of feeling and the ability to experience those feelings himself. He also insisted that art has to be beautiful. I agree with certain elements of Tolstoy's very bold statement of art and also understand where he is coming from; however, I also feel that certain aspects need to be added or modified to his interpretation to better fit my definition of art. Art is created from deep within one's soul, sometimes based on something as simple as a gut impulse. I believe that art is as Tolstoy said a connection between the performer and the recipient, in which both can connect emotionally to each other. Art does not have to be beautiful because I feel beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, and I cannot imagine that any two people in this world will ever see exactly eye to eye because we are all born with our own opinions.

Art can succeed only if it has support from the person who created it. One must truly believe in the impression that they are preparing, or else that work cannot truly be art. An example of a successful demonstration of emotion is spoken word presentations. Spoken word is the equivalent to expressions created in music, but with a specific focus on the speaker. This system is a magnificent combination of both musical and literary manifestation, that rather than songs, emphasizes the true meaning of the song or poem and not the sounds that are being produced. Spoken word creators are not only able to express their many different passions and feelings on paper, but aloud by adding their physical emotions and spirit. The portrayers put so much of themselves into their presentations, that a connection is formed between the audience and the speaker. This connection allows the audience to personally understand the feelings of the presenter, and to take a slight tour of one element of their amazing minds. This form of art



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