Article Summary - 40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra
Essay by ashleynewsome • November 19, 2017 • Article Review • 567 Words (3 Pages) • 1,134 Views
Essay Preview: Article Summary - 40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra
Ashley Newsome
Professor Clay Smith
18 October 2017
My Summary of “40 Years Of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary To The Sports Bra”
In “40 Years Of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary To The Sports Bra,” Jane Lindholm explains the creation of the sports bra. To do so, Lindholm describes how Hinda Miller and Lisa Lindahl came up with design of a sports bra. They knew they had a problem, Miller reported “I used two bras,”(Lindholm “40”) to try to control her breasts while jogging. While Lindahl gathered a group to “build a better bra.” The best idea was first presented as a joke, “Lindahl's then-husband came downstairs with two jockstraps slung over his chest.” (Lindholm ”40”)This proposal helped them understand the breasts needed to be closer to the body, therefore concluding to the invention of the jockbra, later referred to as the jogbra.
My Summary of “All of the countries named for or by Christopher Columbus”
In “All of the countries named for or by Christopher Columbus,” Thu-Huong Ha illustrates how countries were named after Christopher Columbus. First, Thu-Huong Ha lists independent states named after Columbus. Ha then includes why they were given their names “named to honor his Christian god.” (Ha “All”) Some names were given for different reasons “names based on dubious observations.”(Ha “All”) Even though Columbus isn’t the most loved man in history, he still had a severe impact. “role he played in destroying native populations.” (Ha “All”) Columbus is still remembered everyday because of the name of some countries.
My Analysis of “All of the countries for or by Christopher Columbus”
In “All of the countries for or by Christopher Columbus,” The-Huong Ha explores the continuing effects of Columbus’ discovery of North America. To support her claims, she provides readers with the history behind several Caribbean countries, but in doing so, she also reveals her bias toward Columbus, Christianity, and other subjects. For example, she qualifies Columbus’ judgement as “dubious” when naming islands and
when endorsing smoking as “cool” (Ha “All”). She also features how he misnamed Jamaica as Santiago. In addition, she clearly communicates her bias toward Christianity through phrases like “Sunday, the lord’s day” and “his Christian god” (Ha “All”). Moreover, she fails to write this feature correctly as seen in (1) its lack of organization and conclusion, (2) it's ineffective introduction (which misjudges her audience’s needs by giving unnecessary information), and (3) numerous errors with grammar, usage, and mechanics such as mispunctuation, expletives, and inconsistent formatting of terms.