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Assessment 2

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ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Recommendation Report

ASSIGNMENT SUBTITLE: Causes of Domestic Violence


COURSE TITLE: Work Place Communication

CRN:  10290                                                                     SEMESTER: 2016-2017

STUDENT NAME                                                         STUDENT ID#

Antoinette Surijlal                                                                    00059018                

Avella Raphael                                                                                00057562

Jamila Nurse                                                                         00023364

Tamia Diamond                                                                                            00058805

Toni Samuel                                                                                                         00033728

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 08th April 2016

LECTURER’S NAME: Raymond Dyette

Causes of Domestic Violence

Provisional figures gathered from the Crime and Problem Analysis (CAPA) Unit of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Serviced (TTPS) indicated that for the period of 01st January 2004 to 28 February 2014 they received 15,312 reports of Domestic Violence. The majority of the reports received were: "assault by beating' and "threats" which were 7,404 and 4,871 respectively. In the case of murder as a result of domestic violence, “in 2012 there were 239 persons reported as victims; being the highest number of domestic violence offences reported, with a record breaking amount of 1,797. According to the Colorado Link Project, domestic violence is considered a relationship between intimate partners in which one individual seeks to seize power and control over the other. The abuser may use many different types of abuse to assert this authority. As stated by New Choices.Inc, the abuser, may also seek to isolate the victim from other people who may provide assistance. Studies have sought to identify individuals who are most at risk for domestic violence. Student News UK- SNUK states that the most common feature is an imbalance of power and control. However, neither those who are familiar with domestic violence nor the partners who abuse them fall into diverse categories. The US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health stated that cases of domestic violence can occur with any age group, ethnicity, income level, or level of education. Domestic violence is not limited to any unequivocal socio-economic, ethnic, genetic, or religious group. In the same manner, same-sex abuse among a partner is just as prevalent as abuse among heterosexual couples. Conte, J. R., &Gelles, R.J. (1990). .The causes of domestic violence vary but usually stem from the abuser’s background such as: Cyber-bullying, Physical, Psycho-Social, and Sexual. (Jamila)

"Cyber Violence is defined as online behavior that constitutes or leads to assault in the well-being such as the physical, psychological, emotional of an individual or group. Herring, Susan  C. (2002). Individuals and groups on the Internet are mainly targeted through text messages, emails and blogs that often contain malicious threats, indirectly through forums, virtual communities or chat groups as stated by Perry & Olsson (2009). Innumerable forms of technologies are used to gauge threatening, intimidating, insulting or nuisance messages. These include social networking media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, and others. Other forms of harassment also include "stalking by proxy" which involves third parties helping the offender to stalk or harass an individual. (Davies &Boon, 2000 and Purcell, 2008). Two aspects of cyberbullying are; personal and social. Personally, peoples' misunderstanding and thoughts of criticism can be viewed as the leading cause of cyber bullying. Reference made to where they stated when teens were asked why they think others cyberbully, 81% said that it's funny. Other teens believe that youth who cyber bullying tend to believe that it's not a problem and as such never think about the consequences. Some of them are encouraged by friends and ridiculously thinking they won't get caught. Such misunderstandings act as a catalyst of cyber bullying and further exacerbate the situation. As in relation to criticism, people tend to criticize others, which is often motivated by self- centering and unpleasantly- pressed destructive emotions.  People usually have an overly high sense of self-protecting and seek conformity. Nowadays, many people mainly uphold negative thinking and seldom appreciate others. In fact, they censure. This psychological trend has been noted and scrutinized for some time. But the relationship between criticism and cyber bullying is only recognized at this late stage. Also, Emax states that stress from society also causes the occurrence of cyberbullying. People, notably the working class, are living in stressful situations. They cannot and will not suppress their fury when they see others making mistakes. Therefore, there are always people participating in the discussions mentioned above. Similarly, as noted in the victims are either despondent and dissipate or transfer their pressure onto other victims. Cyber violence along these lines may, but need not, have a substantial component, and much of the abuse precipitated by cyber violence—as indeed by offline violence—is psychological and emotional (which is not to say less real or destructive). Decisively, cyber violence may be focused on individuals or groups, the latter being more innate objectives of cyber violence as well as physical violence, due to the ease with which a single enforcer can convene information about and make contact with scores of people on the Internet. Herring, Susan C. (2002) (Avella)

Physical abuse is known as the usage of physical force against the person in a way that ends up mutilating the person or puts the person at risk of being injured. Physical abuse ranges from physical curtailment to murder as stated by Statistics from, have shown that 1-4 women 24.3% and 1-7 men 13.8% aged 18 and older in the U.S have been the victim of severe physical violence. An average of 24 persons per minute are victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner as evidenced in the U.S, which has more than 12 million women and men over the course of the year noted by Fix It Healthcare At The Tipping Point. Physical incursion or physical battering is a crime whether it occurs internally or externally of the family; the police are then empowered to protect you from physical attack. According to, there are different types of physical abuse such as pushing, throwing, kicking, slapping, grabbing, hitting, punching, beating, battering, bruising, choking, shaking, burning, murder assault, restraining and confinement. The abusers in most cases are overwhelmingly males, and the majority of victims are females although there are cases of many abused boys (this however, happens to be the minority). There are many causes of physical abuse, but the most common are usually anger problems, involvement in alcohol and drug abuse and low self-esteem as cited by Firstly, anger is a very powerful basic human emotion that can stem from feelings of frustration, hurt or disappointment. Usually, this affects a household dramatically (because one bad conversation can lead to a person with a "short fuse" losing it in a short space of time). When this occurs, the person gets so angry that they try to hit anything or anyone nearby turning the situation into a physically abusive one. In many instances, the victims wind up hospitalized or are found severely wounded.  Secondly, alcohol and drug abuse are namely two of the worse addictions that human-kind has come across! These two are definite causes of physical abuse because the alcohol or drug abuser is full of conflict and stuck between needing/wanting drugs or alcohol but not wishing to harm the people around them. Many times, this results in a situation whereby the physical assault of their “significant other” or even their children occurs as a result of feelings of inferiority within society. Venting on others, then further blame anyone else but themselves. Finally, having a low self-esteem can also be one of the many causes of physical abuse because these victims often feel shunned by society or feel in adequate to be part of a particular group or even be friends with others. Therefore, when given an opportunity; whether it is having a friendship or a relationship with others, they want them to feel the same. Taking advantage of the situation which often results in physical abuse. (Tamia)



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