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Assisited Suicide

Essay by   •  July 10, 2011  •  516 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,112 Views

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Michelle Evans

Comp 2


Assisted Suicide

In the 1990’s a doctor by the name of Krivorkian was tried for murder because he had assisted some of his patients that were dying with chronic illnesses and that were in an immense amount of pain. Some of those families were outraged by his actions and felt that he was murdering their family members. Krivorkian was convicted and spent time in prison for this act. I do not agree with the families that pressed charges against him. I can understand that they felt an immense feeling of loss when their loved passed on; however, I was happy that their loved one was no longer in pain. Dr. Krivorkian only assisted elderly patients, that had chronic illnesses and were going to dies soon, however the pain that they would be in during that time would be unimaginable to me, in his eyes he was helping rid their loved one of all of his/her pain.

In 1992 my grandfather was diagnosed with Emphysema, he had been smoking for 55 years, but the day they diagnosed him he quit smoking on the spot without any patches, gums or any product that is supposed to help you quit smoking. He was getting better and was still able to do all of the things he did before. Then in 1996 he was diagnosed with cancer that had spread to his spinal column. He was daily taking oxygen treatments, numerous medicines for the cancer and emphysema, he also got a shot once a month that was killing off the cancer and it went into remission in 1997. With the cancer in remission if it stayed there for at least two years then they would have been able to operate and remove the emphysema from his lungs, which would have helped him to prolong his life as well as improve his breathing and stop the intense pain that he was



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