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Assisted Suacide

Essay by   •  September 5, 2010  •  1,012 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,366 Views

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Our economy is going through some rough times, and everyone is looking for a solution. The problem is simple according to governor John Engler : "We've had to battle declining tax revenues ... at the same time there's been an explosion in health-care costs." (Health-care A3) The number of old people in this country is at an all time high, while social programs like Medicaid and Social Security are nearing a dead end. If the problem is so simple, shouldn't the solution also be as simple? Luckily it is. Legalizing physician assisted euthanasia would not only save money in medical costs, but is also a good form of population control. What this would man is that once a person on Medicare reaches a certain age, like 65, he would have to prove to a court that he or she is worth keeping alive.

High health care costs have been plaguing our economy for years. We all know that generation x, and whatever the one after that is, will never see any money in Social Security; nevertheless we still keep paying for it with every check. The U.S. House last month approved legislation that would spend $320 billion over 10 years for a prescription drug benefit for senior citizens. (Health-care A3) This is $320 billion dollars that could be saved by just killing most of those old people who are responsible for the rotting away of our country. It's not like old people are such a good investment anyways. The kids are the future. Let's take the billions of dollars we are dumping into these old people, and put them into educating young kids on the importance of taking care of yourself physically and financially. We'll build big prison-schools, where we can put in all the poor kids, and kids of sick people, and educate them so they wont make their parents mistakes. Don't you wish there was a system like this when you were a kid? By systematically putting all the old people who are a burden to our economy to sleep, we can greatly better our own future. A few years of old people life is a small price to pay for a lifetime of opportunity.

Ask any grandmother and they will tell you that the most important thing for them is their kids and grandkids future. Unfortunately a major percentage of old people become a burden to their family. Coval Russell reflects on his days as an old person: "My future holds nothing. At my age and my physical condition, it's like being dead while you're still alive." He also added: "When a person reaches my age I believe they should legally be allowed to commit suicide. I'd do it in a minute, if I could get somebody to help me." (Glionna A9) With my proposed plan, people like Coval would have been exterminated years ago. Just imagine all the effects of a move like that. If Mr. Russell would have been killed 20 years ago, some younger people could have worked the jobs he worked, earning them valuable experience, and helping the economy. Everyone knows that old people don't like to spend money. A young family in need of a home could have lived in Mr. Russell's house. Some people would say that only god has the right to give or take life, but those are also the same people causing death by blocking scientists from better researching projects allowing us to grow cells and organs. Beloved animals get put to sleep every day by their loving owners to save pain for the animal and financial burden for themselves. Why



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