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B2b B2c Marketing

Essay by   •  November 24, 2010  •  350 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,343 Views

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Ethical Theorist; Judith Butler

An influential female ethical theorist in modern intellectual American society is Judith Butler. Judith is a professor at Maxine Elliot in the Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr.Butler received her Ph.D. from Yale in 1984. In addition, Judith has also published "Gender Trouble" that creates thinking on feminist ideas and is one of the first founding texts of the queer theory, "Queer theory is a brand-new branch of study or theoretical speculation; it has only been named as an area since about 1991. It grew out of gay/lesbian studies, a discipline which itself is very new, existing in any kind of organized form only since about the mid-1980s" ( Subsequent publication of "Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence", address the rising violence that happened post-9/11 America; "Undoing Gender" address the problems and challenges of the changing family form of interracial, transsexual, pathologized relationships.

In her book Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence", her theories address the ethical and political rhetoric of censorship, imprisonment, and violence after the 9/11 attacks on New York City. Even as her views are feminist, she criticizes the Bush administration for using the freedom of women's rights in Afghanistan as a reason to boom that country. Judith also theorizes that the United States never mourned over the deaths of those killed in the attacks, but instead poised it's self as the victim to justify military action against Afghanistan, Iraq, and terrorism. Judith challenges the ides and views of war and the actions taken from the start, throughout the death, violence, and mourning of those affected, "We must interrogate the framework by which we know, hear, see and sense, and we must understand how this framework is decisive



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