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Balck Fam

Essay by   •  March 26, 2011  •  761 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,235 Views

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Hello Ladies and gentlemen I stand here before you as a concerned Human Being and a U.S. citizen representing the NAACP. Most of you are familiar with the organization,

and for those of you who aren't we are the NAACP. The National Association For The Advancement of Color People .We strive to amend the injustices committed towards the advancement of color people in this world in which we are all a part of. So as I stand here before you I am reminded of our natural right as beings of this free world to assemble and practice free speech as indicated by the I amendment. This great right has been enforced by our Constitution. Ladies and Gentlemen I come forth today to speak about the future of this Nation.

This country has been the home of African Americans since the New world has existed. We have been in this country since it's conception the(African Americans) are the reason for it's conception and it's only now that some progress has been made towards freedom and equality for blacks in America. I speak for all African Americans when I say not enough is being done to alleve the racial bedlam going on in the South. The higher authority seems to turn the other cheek on the many cruel mortalities committed each day by white Supremacists and average white Americans towards blacks. The South is in fire day and night. One can smell Human skin burning amidst the sunset as if this morbit scene is a marvelous picture for one to enjoy, the body is left there hanging from the beautiful trees in the South to be made a spectacle.

The NAACP's primary focus here today is to get congress to consider an anti- lynching legislation passed and mainly enforced with due process of the law. We the NAACP are here as the voice for the Southern African Americans who are subject to being lynched at anytime without due process of the law. With this being said I would like direct everyone to the writings of Ida B. Wells. She is A prominent writer and has had her life threatened numerous times for exposing the cruelty and utter racism going on in the south. from as recent 1892 through the 1900's. Wells exposed exactly how the Fourteenth Amendment means nothing in the South right now. She does this by giving counts of unjustly murders of the African Americans of the South by the white mobs running rampant in the south who have gone unpersecuted in lynchings in the South. Imagine coming home finding your husband or wife missing, only to find out a mob abducted her and has lynched her, and with nothing but an allegation to defend the lynching?

As Wells Stated



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