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Barriers Of Effective Communication

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Barriers to Effective Communication

Debbie Dennis


Within the Criminal Justice System, communication is a key component to being successful and critical key element to the criminal justice system. Communication concerning all police departments or facilities beginning with the police chief down to rookies must learn to communicate, listen and comprehend with no excuses. Poor communication within the Criminal Justice System should not be tolerated or accepted within the system. A author by the last name Richards presented this definition for communication, "Communication takes place when one mind so acts upon its environment that another is influenced, and in that other mind an experience occurs which is like the experience in the first mind, and is caused in part by that experience" [ (Harvey Wallace J.D., 2009) ].

The process of communication and its components, to go through a process is where communication begins the process consisting of five steps within communication: transmitting an idea, sending the idea through an intermediate, receiving the message, understanding the idea, and providing feedback to the message sender. This process can transpire between individuals and computerized technology. Two examples would be an individual while engaging in conversation ignores a third party as a result of attempting to make a point of dislike or by passing comments that make a statement (University of Phoenix, 2010).

The first step to communicating is transmitting an idea, this step implies the information of one or several thoughts and the desire to express these ideas [(Harvey Wallace J.D., 2009)]. The second step of sending the idea through an intermediate, this is telling us once this message has been made it should be sent. To have the message transmitted can be done orally, by action or in writing. Each method no matter how it has been transmitted will be interpreted in a different manner, in saying that it's all about the method that we choose in how the message will be received and represented.

Receiving the message is a critical part of the communication. It is the reverse of message transmission in that the message must be received and acted on for it to be effective [(Harvey Wallace J.D., 2009)]. Understanding the message or idea is a critical part of communication, if the person receiving the message does not comprehend or understand the point of transmitting it has failed. Taking this point into consideration the sender should put themselves into the receiver's shoes so that the principle of the idea being sent is communicated and if you can comprehend it then the receiver will also. The last step but not least in the communication process is providing feedback to the message sender when this transpires the circle of communication has come to a conclusion and the receiver will inform the sender of clarification of the message or if the message was understood. The exchange of information is the primary reason for communication and the exchange of information between two individuals. The principle of our lives in the communication process is how we transpire everything we do across the world, if it's to our communities, families, co-workers, friends etc. An example would be an officer who uses vague or ambiguous statements in a document concerning a criminal investigation. If the officer is not detail specific regarding names of victims, witnesses, and so forth, then the reviewer will have a great deal of trouble determining the facts (Method 123, 2003).

Differences between listening and hearing in communication there are two steps, the first process is hearing second will be listening. Sometimes we can hear a person talking but are not listening to what they are saying. We begin hearing when our ear picks up waves of a sound and carries them to our brain. The listening process is the second step of communication this step there has to be an active process and have an active contributor. Listening transpires when the person breaks down and relates critical thinking to the material acknowledged before giving any feedback applicable to the discussion. Effective listeners are constantly thinking, dissect information, and search for important sections within a statement (University of Phoenix, 2010).

The formal and informal channels of communication in criminal justice organization begin with the formal channel. Formal channel has an enormous part of the criminal justice system and begins with the chain of command and characterized through formal orders, written memos and directives. The formal channel has some disadvantages and some advantages. Some disadvantages are the documentation must be drafted wisely, assessed and certified by superiors, detail specific, lacks free movement, comprehendible, and must be recorded-saved, which prevents individuals from offering ideas. On the other hand, the formal process offers numerous advantages, such as uniformity-all individuals within the organization will receive the same information, formal documentation is understandable, concise, offers facts, detail specific, straight to the point, and provides a paper trail (Johnson, 2010).

The informal channel has an important role also in the organization this provides quick and efficient communication between people within the organization superiors and subordinates can converse on a so many different aspects throughout the organization with no time limitations. Ideas, opinions, and feedback can be provided on a moment's notice during investigations in which time is an important factor. Such crimes consist of homicides, rapes, burglaries, and assaults. A few disadvantages within the informal network is that information sent and received can be rumor-gossip, unclear and vague, and offer



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