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Bataan Death March

Essay by   •  December 12, 2010  •  771 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,957 Views

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In March 1942, Homma began his plans for the American and Filipino troops who would become Prisoners of War. He planned on moving them to Camp O'Donnell, about one hundred miles away. According to the Japanese military, this was not a long distance, and their troops could easily accomplish it within a few days. However, those on Bataan were not in good physical health. Since January they had been on half-rations or less. During the surrender agreement, King told Homma that he had more men than the Japanese planned for and that they were ill and undernourished. But Homma ignored these facts, plus King's offer to drive the troops to the prison camps. According to the Japanese, once the POWs were in their captivity, they could do with them as they wished, and King's requests were disgraceful.

The Bataan Death March began at Mariveles on April 10, 1942. April 9, 1942, the infamous "Death March" 6 days, 90 miles, began at the Mariveles ending at Camp O'Donnell and later moved to Camp Cabanatuan. According to Japanese Plans these P.O.W's were to be moved by foot, carrying their own rations to the border of Bataan and Pampango.The main stage of the Death March was set at Mariveles, at the southern tip of Bataan Peninsula.Troops started to march in a long column on a dusty road without food and water.For many of the Bloody, frail men, this was the last march.One man fell from exhaustion and was then flatten by a tank, as all the other troops witnessed this horrible action, other soldiers were hit by Japanese trucks passing by.The P.O.W's were forced to stand next to a fresh stream but weren't allowed to drink from it, even though they were exhausted and dehydrated , some soldier just could not take it any more, they would run to the stream and fell in, face first, to drink. Immediately one of the Japanese guards ran over, pulled his sword out and would amputate his head.. A great many men reached the end of their endurance. The dropouts became numerous. They fell on the roadside, some making no effort to rise. Groaning and weeping, some succeeded while others fell back helplessly. Any troops who fell behind were executed. Japanese troops beat soldiers randomly, and denied the POWs food and water for many days. One of their tortures was known as the sun treatment. The Philippines in April is very hot. Therefore, the POWs were forced to sit in the sun without any shade, helmets, or water. Anyone who dared ask for water was executed. On the rare occasion they were given any food, it was only a handful of contaminated rice. When the prisoners were allowed to sleep for a few hours at night, they were packed into enclosures so tight that they could barely move. Those who



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