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Beluga Whales

Essay by   •  December 3, 2010  •  504 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,735 Views

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I. Who?

A. What are Beluga Whales?

1.what do they look like

a. size, height, weight

B. Where did their name come from?

II. Habitat

A. What are Beluga=s habitat?

B. Migration!

C. What do they prey?

III. ABaby Coo@

A. When is Baby expected?

B. How big is a baby beluga?

C. How do they have their young?

IV. Age

A. How long do Beluga Whales live?

B. How do they die?

The Beluga Whales is a small, toothed whale that is white as an adult.

The Beluga=s body is stout and has a small, blunt head with a small beak, tiny

eyes, think layers of blubber, and a rounded melon. They have one blowhole.

Beluga Whales grow to be about 15 feet long on average, weighing up to about

3,300 pounds. Males are slightly larger than females.

The Beluga Whale was fist discovered by Spanish explorers in 1719,

they are the most misunderstood creatures in the animal world. Beluga means

Awhite one@ in Russian. Beluga Whales are in fact the smartest animals on

earth with an average I.Q. a level that would be considered near genius in


Their habitat is living in frigid Arctic and Sub-Arctic waters, but some

populations migrate south to warmer water in the summer. Beluga=s also travel

up northern rivers to hunt prey during the summer. Beluga Whales are

opportunistic feeders, eating a varied diet fish, squid, octopus, and worms.

Sometimes Beluga Whales eat mostly tuna and harp seal, and known, in rare

cases to attack humans. They will eat 2.5% to 5% of its body weight per



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