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Benchmarking Global Communications

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Gap Analysis: Global Communications

Elise D. Lambert

University of Phoenix

Gap Analysis: Global Communications

Global Communications is in a situation that many communication industries are experiencing today. Global Communications is working towards an international collaboration within Ireland and India to increase profitability and reduce unit and handling costs while still gaining company and employee growth. They need to explain this to their employees, the union and the stakeholders in a way that each group will approve. Through communication, understanding industry standards, employee and employer goals they are aggressively changing the company's corporate attitude towards new growth and sustainability.

I will incorporate into this situation, the issues and opportunities, the stakeholders/shareholders interests, rights and values and how they correspond to each other's wants, needs and company changes. I will also include the main outcome and the solutions needed to obtain that outcome.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Global Communications is developing and implementing the following in order to realize new growth, and new services for small businesses and consumers. They need to become "Global" by entering International markets, downsizing current call centers and increasing sales and marketing scopes in Europe and Asia. They need to do this with positive communication and they need to also understand the interpersonal barriers between the company, the union and the employees.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Shareholders and or stakeholders are:

Katrina Heinz Ð'- Chief Executive Officer

Katrina's goals are to increase profits and revenue and "Globalize" the company.

Sy Rodriguez Ð'- Executive Vice President of Consume Marketing and Sales

Sy understands and knows the stockholders and understands company processes better than the rest of the Senior Leadership Team

Nancy Everhardt Ð'- Executive Vice President of Small Business and Marketing Sales

Nancy understands the wants and needs of the clients and understands market trends and profitability of those market trends.

Joel Thompson Ð'- Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Public Relations

Joel understands the business processes of Global Communication and is a key union and stakeholder liaison.

Maria Antez Ð'- Vice President in the Technologies Workers Union

Marie understands and knows the employees of Global Communications; she is committed to making sure that employee relations are held at the highest standards for the Union and the Union representatives, the employees.

Stockholders of Global Communication

Stockholders of Global Communications are concerned with revenue and profitability and are also concerned with expanding markets and competition among those expanding markets and their company.

Union Board

The Union Board is working with Global Communications to justify the working environments and relations between the company and the employees. Their main concern is layoffs and labor wage cuts for those employees and what Global Communications is going to do to help in the process of helping the employees understand the new concepts of growth and profitability and the employee's expense.

Union Employees

The Union Employees are worried about job retention, the company's expectations of them and the ability to keep their present jobs. They just gave up a 20 percent decrease in wages and education and in order for them to expand in existing markets will the company be disqualifying them because of lack of education.

They are happy with their current benefits but are lacking trust within the company due to lack of communication.

End-State Vision

Global Communications is an International company, specializing in the transference of cutting edge technology with the phone, long distance, internet and television arena.

Gap Analysis

Goals to achieve this transference and standards include:

Move into European and Asian telecommunication markets within the next three years.

Expand career opportunities and salaries for current employees who wish to move ahead with the company and expand the same opportunities for those in the international markets.

Improve profitability by 40 percent in the first year and a 20 percent increase over the next three years.

Will compete with current markets and increase industry saturation within the next year.

Global Communications will define small business and consumer standards for the telecommunications industry that work within the national and international market channels by increasing their company recognition within the three years that it will take to fully integrate their company into those markets.


In conclusion, the company Global Communication does have the desire, the willingness and the backing of all stakeholders involved to enter the new era of communications. They have incorporated the new industry standards with their own to make themselves a market leader in the timeframe that they have chosen themselves.

Global Communications has expectations from all sides and is willing to work within specific boundaries set by and for themselves and each other. They use communication as a tool to understand the limits, abilities and disabilities that each department will face and are willing and capable of change in an environment that is not normally conducive to change.



Scenario Ð'-



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