Essay by 24 • May 10, 2011 • 1,040 Words (5 Pages) • 1,920 Views
Epic poems have a unique set of characteristics that distinguish them from just an ordinary poem. An epic poem must contain a hero that is male, noble, and of importance to society who gives long formal speeches and travels over a vast setting. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the reader can see distinct Anglo-Saxon political, economic, and religious values in the actions of the characters and the things happening around them. Wealth in the Anglo-Saxon society, as seen in Beowulf, was used as a means of reparations, rewards, and political standings. One can also tell that the Anglo-Saxons where in a state of limbo between Christian and Pagan beliefs because of the ideas expressed by the hero and his colleagues in Beowulf. The political standings in Anglo-Saxon society and what the leaders thought was important to their nation are also clear cut in Beowulf. Beowulf also contains a handful of literary terms including stock epithets, kennings, alliterations, allusions, hyperbole, and imagery. Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic because it contains the necessary characteristics for it to be considered epic and it contains distinct Anglo-Saxon values.
The poem takes place over a vast setting between Denmark and Sweden over a period of time extending longer then fifty years. The hero, Beowulf, is a male "of noble birth" (Beowulf pg.36) whose actions the fate of the Danes. Beowulf "come to them from across the sea, bold and strong-minded, had driven affliction off, purged Herot clean."(Beowulf pg.43). Beowulf also contains an abundant amount of long formal speeches, such as Beowulf's speech, lines 141-189, where he boasts to Hrothgar, and Wiglaf's speech on loyalty from line 700-735 when he is talking to the cowards.
The economic values present in Beowulf can be clearly seen over the course of the poem. Wealth appears to be important in the Anglo-Saxon values as a means of reparations, rewards, and political standings instead of being used as a currency. In the opening of the poem, when the narrator is in the midst of discussing Grendel's horrible ways, he makes mention that "[n]o one waited for reparation from [Grendel's] plundering claws" (Beowulf pg 35). Not only does this tell us of the fear that Grendel imposes on the Danes, but it shows the reader that if one was to take the life of a man in this time period he was expected to pay the family as a way of "compensation". Later on in the epic, when are hero, Beowulf, is called on again by the Danes, he is promised "heaped-up ancient treasure" (Beowulf pg 46) as a reward for defeating Grendel's mother. Here the reader can see that Anglo-Saxon economy functioned by means reward giving in return for aiding a nation.
As one can tell from Beowulf, leaders, in the Anglo-Saxon era, had certain things that where important to the success of their nation. The utmost importance for the leaders was the need to ensure the safety of their nation's people with the help of a courageous army and loyal companions. Beowulf is an exemplar of the ideal Anglo-Saxon leader. He was a courageous leader who feared nothing as he fought to protect his people. He fought honorably and fairly as demonstrated when he fought Grendel bare handed because Grendel himself used no weapons (Beowulf pg. 38). Beowulf also showed his love for his nation by defeating, all of their enemies: Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon.
Religion in the Anglo-Saxon times consisted of a mixture of Pagan and Christian beliefs. Evidence of Christianity can be found throughout the poem. A few references to Christianity are: "the Almighty making the earth" (Beowulf pg. 33) and how "Holy God, who sent [Beowulf] victory, gave judgment for truth and right, Ruler of the Heavens..." (Beowulf pg.48) which make clear reference to the