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Essay by   •  April 9, 2011  •  249 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,008 Views

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want a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot. Who calls me back, when i hang up on him. Who stays awake, just to watch me sleep. The boy who kisses me on the forehead and shows me off to the world. who holds my hand in front of his friends who thinks im pretty with no make up on and bed hair. The boy who makes up crazy white trash names with and isn't annoyed that i am obssesed with Veronica Mars and One Tree Hill. The boy who brinsg me chocolate when im sad and calls me just because he was thinking of me. The boy who knows when im having abad day without asking and knows that sometimes all i want to do is talk. The boy who throws skittles with me at the movies the guy who gets that sometimes i just need to cry on his shoulder. the guy who loves to take me dancing next to a lake. the guy who gets that

i am goin g to sing constantly. the guy who brings me a big bag of candy and some advil when its that time of the motnh. the guy who i can really talk to about anything that comes up. the guy who understands that i like to dream big but sometimes i just cannot

follow through. The boy who constantly reminds me how much he cares for me and how lucky he is that i'm in his life.



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