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Bio Review for Test

Essay by   •  April 29, 2016  •  Study Guide  •  684 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,252 Views

Essay Preview: Bio Review for Test

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  • Humans are bulk eaters
  • Fluid feeder -> an animal that sucks nutritious fluids from its food source
  • Substrate feeder -> an animal that lives on and eats its way through its food source
  • Peristalsis -> smooth muscle contractions that move food along the digestive tract
  • Sphincters -> small circular muscles that help regulate the flow of food out of the stomach
  • Chime -> mixture of food, mucous, and other stomach fluids
  • Amylase -> starch-digesting enzyme from saliva
  • Epiglottis -> flap of tissue that covers the trachea when food is being swallowed
  • Parietal cells -> stomach cells that produce hydrogen and chloride ions
  • Chief cells -> stomach cells that secrete pepsinogen
  • Bacteria is the cause of most stomach ulcers
  • The approximate pH of the stomach is 2
  • Microvilli -> surface projections on intestinal epithelial cells
  • Bile salts aid in the digestion of fats
  • The liver converts glucose to glycogen after a meal
  • Colon is important for water reabsorption in the digestive tract
  • Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli in human lungs
  • Diaphragm is the thin muscle involved in breathing
  • Pharynx -> part of both the digestive and respiratory tracts
  • Humans breathe by negative pressure breathing
  • Hemoglobin -> oxygen-carrying molecule
  • Blood from head and arms flows through the superior vena cava
  • Blood from lower trunk and legs flows through the inferior vena cava back to the heart
  • Blood moves from heart to lungs via the pulmonary artery
  • Blood moves from the lungs to the heart through the pulmonary vein
  • AV node -> our natural peacemaker
  • Innate immunity -> immune system that include barriers such as skin and mucus
  • Interferon -> molecule secreted by virus infected cells to warn other cells
  • Inflammatory response includes heat, swelling, pain, and redness
  • Antigen -> any molecule that can elicit an immune response
  • Complement system -> a group of proteins that when activated work together for the immune system
  • Active immunity -> immunity obtained from a vaccine or an infection
  • Passive immunity -> immunity obtained from injection of antibodies or through breast milk
  • Humoral immune response -> immunity by B cells (antibodies)
  • Cellular immune response -> immunity by T cells
  • Plasma cells are effector B cells
  • Primary immune response -> response after 1st exposure to antigen
  • Secondary immune response -> response after 2nd or more exposure to antigen
  • Agglutination -> antibodies stick together to make a big glob
  • Precipitation -> antibodies stick dissolved antigens together to make them precipitate
  • Endotherm -> animal that heats itself with metabolism
  • Ectotherm -> animal that use ambient temps to regulate its body temp
  • Evaporative cooling -> cooling by evaporation of liquids off of skin (sweating)
  • Conduction -> heating by direct contact with the heat source
  • Convection -> heating by air or water going across body surface
  • Ammonia -> nitrogen waste product that is most toxic. Fish and other aquatic animals use this method
  • Urea -> less toxic nitrogen waste product. Humans use this method
  • Uric acid -> nitrogen waste product that is good for water conservation but its more expensive to make
  • Nephron -> functional unit of kidney
  • Glomerulus -> filter of the kidney
  • Bowman’s capsule -> where you find the glomerulus
  • Helper T cells -> T cells that help both the humoral response and the cellular response
  • Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels
  • Arteries -> blood vessels that take blood away from the heart
  • Veins -> blood vessels that have valves
  • Blood pressure -> pressure blood exerts on vessel walls
  • Hypertension -> blood pressure over 140/90
  • Plasma is the liquid portion of blood
  • Fibrinogen -> plasma protein involved in clotting
  • Erythrocytes -> red blood cells
  • Leukocytes -> white blood cells
  • Platelets -> cellular portion of blood involved in blood clotting
  • Natural killer cells -> attack virus-infected cells and cancer cells
  • Macrophages -> large cells of the immune system that engulf bacteria and other foreign molecules
  • Lymph node -> a collection of lymphoid tissue along the lymphatic system where lymphocytes hang out
  • Mast cells -> cells that release histamine during an allergic reaction
  • IgE antibodies -> antibodies specific to allergic reactions
  • Surfactants -> special secretions that help keep alveoli open



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