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Essay by   •  May 21, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  995 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,275 Views

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In this new social landscape, millennial parenting, a new parenting style, should be practiced by parents so they can raise children who are resilient, self-reliant, and have strong sense of identity.

I. Nowadays, it is pretty common to hear about teenagers getting pregnant, children getting addicted to drugs, children being restrained by authorities for committing violent acts, among others. These are all manifested by the youth because of the changing social landscape. Children these days are questioning their parents’ authority over them. They tend to question what rules are for and it seems that control over them does not work anymore. The landscape of a family has changed dramatically in recent years and because of these changes, studies have been made to see the challenges that parents come across with in raising their children and to see how parenting approaches differ across demographic groups (Cruz, 2012).

A. There have been changes in the social landscape in terms of the teenagers’ morality.

B. There have been changes in the social landscape in terms of the relationship between parents and their children.

1. The changes in how a child communicates with his/her parents.

2. The changes in how a child perceives his/her parents’ authority over him/her.

II. In a family, how a child grows up physically, cognitively, and spiritually all rest on how a parent disciplines or handles his/her child. Different parenting styles have been established and are being practiced by parents worldwide in raising their children. Not all parenting styles are alike. What individuals do as parents somehow depends on how they were raised as a child, what they observed in other families, and what they have been taught. Each parenting style determines what a child would grow as, as they develop (Love & Thomas, 2014).

III. Millennial parenting uses different perspectives and approaches in dealing with a child’s development. As an eclectic approach, it is a combination of some of the different parenting styles’ specific qualities that can best approach today’s generation.

[transition: halimbawa, due to the complexity in the landscape, it is best If we use an eclectic approach….. pakita na yung parenting styles.. kung bakit sila magwowork and yung magagawa nila]

IV. Millennial parenting makes use of the characteristic of authoritative parenting in which a parent encourages the child to be independent, but still places limits and controls on behavior. Teaching a child how to be independent will help him/her be resilient in a world filled with struggles.

A. Millennial parenting also makes use of the quality of an authoritative parent wherein the parents are controlling yet undemanding. This will help nurture children who are self-reliant because the control over them is not to the extreme and thus, will help children learn how to stand on their own feet.

1. Authoritative parenting style helps develop children who are resilient.

2. Although authoritative parenting style helps develop resilient children, it would not work in in this day and age and cannot work alone because of the change in the social landscape.

V. Millennial parenting makes use of the quality of an indulgent parent in which the parents allow their children to do whatever they want. Since this parenting style allows children to explore, not only their surroundings, but also themselves, millennial parenting will help nurture children who have strong sense of identity and strong sense of purpose; they know who they are and what they want.

A. Indulgent parenting will help children to explore their identity.

[1. Examples on how parents help children explore their identity]

B. Although indulgent parenting helps develop children’s strong sense of identity and it is also beneficial to the youth because they are free to do whatever they want, the characteristic of this parenting style won’t work in this day and age because

1. Teenagers are becoming more and more libidinous and therefore still need moderated control over them by their parents.

2. Too much freedom and spoiling a child can develop negative traits like



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