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Essay by   •  November 23, 2010  •  398 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,028 Views

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What Problems Do I Have Communicating With Others?

The problem I have communicating with other people, from my point of view, is that I tend to get frustrated and often impatient. Than again it depends on the type of relationship I have with said person(s). For instance, with my family and mate I know confidently from A to Z what I want and need to say but when it comes down to the face to face expression of said thoughts I go all to mush. I get nervous and choked up. I get confused in what I am saying. My tone lowers to a mumble and I start to stutter. That also happens sometimes when I'm put on the spot to answer a question or to speak to a group. When I'm with associates or familiars I tend to be more aggressive vocally. I will express what's on my mind with little regard to whom I am speaking to feelings. I feel like if we are so called "cool" than we can keep it real with each other. With my children, my employers and people in my life of authority I speak with respect. I communicate without being disrespectful or overly aggressive and I demand the same. With strangers and some that what my grandma nanna would say "are a lil' touched" I adhere to the wise old roman adage of when in Rome do as the Romans do! I express my self the way they express themselves towards me. If they come at me polite, than I'll be polite. If they come at me speaking crazy, than I'm going to speak crazy. I noticed in all and any of these situations I do tend to get Impatient with a person who I feel is not communicating with me the way I think they should be. For instance, if I fail to understand something you are trying to explain to me I get angry at you and say you're not explaining it right. Likewise, if I am trying to explain something to a person and they don't understand I tend to treat them as if they need to take the short yellow bus in the mornings. That's how I see it. What's



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