Essay by 24 • March 3, 2011 • 675 Words (3 Pages) • 1,272 Views
The theory of evolution would have us believe that reptiles began to grow parts on their back as scales, and these parts supposedly developed over periods of millions of years into wings and feathers. Then, they believe that these reptiles began to climb trees and attempted to jump out and fly. Imagine all the l birds attempting to do this until one day one of them had wings structured properly and took off and flew.
There is nothing that is gradual about a change from a land environment to an air environment, or a land to sea, or sea to land. Such a changes do not take millions of years, either you can fly or you can't; either you breathe air or have gills.
One of the most complex things in the feather. The feather is lightweight, yet very strong and sturdy. It is made up of a network of fibrils that interconnect with one another in such a way providing balance. There is a main stem serving as the main support for the feather. It branches out into other stems, each of which branches again until they interconnect by using hooks.
The woodpecker is such a great example for creation. He has special shock absorbers in his beak and skull providing protection from the severe migraine headaches that might otherwise result from his hazardous occupation.
Imagine all the poor pre woodpeckers hurting themselves , getting their beaks stuck in trees until this feature "evolved." Most birds have three toes in front and one behind. The woodpecker has two in front and two behind to enable him to grab onto the side of a tree and start pecking . He also has stiff tail feathers to support him and a long sticky tongue designed for fishing the insects he feeds on out of the holes he pecks in the trees. We have to conclude, God designed him for his amazing creation.
Consider the water , a bird that not only flies in the air, but swims underwater with his wings!5 He also swims on the bottom of the stream, turning rocks over with his beak and toes to find on different water animals. Air sacs enable him to rise to the surface. He "blows his tanks" to dive. Since he does not have webbed feet, he uses his wings.
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