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Essay by   •  October 13, 2016  •  Essay  •  300 Words (2 Pages)  •  850 Views

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Blackfish a documentry that has charged sea world about the way they treat their sea creatures. We now see many documentries coming out that attack different organisations. Personally circuses and any place that forces animals to entertain humans in an inhumane way should be stoppped.

The poor quality life of sea creautures in sea world has been eposed with the documentry called ‘blackfish’. The sea creatures are kept in very bad facilities. The size of the tanks are not at a good proportion to the size of the sea creature. Sea World got a lot of hate and decreased in visitor numbers after the incident happened with the trainer Dawn Brancheau. The orca pulled the trainer underwater and killed her. This event has shed the led the light about sea worlds problems with the sea creatures that involve them not treating them well. It is very comforting to hear that the orcas that are currently in captivity will be the last ones. So no more breeding programs. If aquariums were a place that treated animals that are endangered or that are injured it would be much better than how it is now.

Not only are aquriums and Sea World places where animals are not treated fairly but circuses are as well. Circuses abuse animals in order to achieve the animal to do a trick. That is very sad because the lions used should be in the wild not performing for humans. One example is the way they use elephants. All animals that perform have lights flashing towards them and are disiplined horribly. Zoos that take care of animals and save them from extintion is awesome for animals.

In conclusion the world should reevaluate the forms of entertinment that entertain humans but hurt the animals.



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