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Essay by   •  May 3, 2011  •  324 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,145 Views

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Why do they do it? Why do bodybuilders, power lifters, and the every day weightlifter brutally tear their muscles apart, day in and day out? Is it for pride or glory? Is it to be the best of the best, or is there some motivation that the average on looker is unable to capture, as he or she watches in amazement? To most people, bodybuilders, and power lifters are not normal.

Most people look at a bodybuilder and see a monster, a freak of nature that defies the realm of, what some would say, the normal perceptions of the human body. These bodybuilders have taken the invention that God has given them, and perfected it. In the same way that a lawyer perfects his case, and his arguments, a bodybuilder perfects his instrument with which he is to do his work, his body. If this is all true, then why are bodybuilders looked at as if they have surpassed the realm of humanity and have gone into a world of their own? People ask themselves, why would someone torture himself or herself in order to look like a freak? They simply love what they do. To ask these questions of bodybuilders would be the same as asking a doctor why he stayed up late to help a patient, or why he sacrificed eight years of college just to get a job. The answer remains the same; they simply love what they do. Workers of various jobs see results from their efforts and they want to do more and make it better. In the same way, bodybuilders see results and they more.

Bodybuilders and weightlifters are just performing in their line of work. They have a job and a passion, and they want to be the best in their line of work. Under all of the muscle the men and women of bodybuilding are no more or less of a person than any other man or woman.



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