Boom And Bust
Essay by 24 • March 3, 2011 • 1,287 Words (6 Pages) • 1,183 Views
This document is copyright (c) 2004 Matt Beisser. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It may
be reproduced or freely distributed in its entirety for personal, private,
and/or educational purposes only.
Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3D, and the 3d Realms logo is copyright (c) 3d Realms
Entertainment - a division of Apogee Software, Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All
other trademarks are the copyright of their respective owners.
Every effort has been made to determine that the information contained in this
document is accurate. However, no warranty either expressed or implied, as to
the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this document is
provided. The author does not assume liability for damages, either incidental
or consequential, that may result from using the information in this document.
IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: This guide was written while using JonoF's Duke Nukem
3D Windows port which is available at
uke3d. As such some of the tactics, tips, and strategies provided *MAY* not
work in the original DOS based version.
1. Introduction
1. Formatting
2. Author's Note
3. Dedication
4. Contributor Recognition
5. Updates
2. Story
3. Game Information
1. Weapons
2. Normal Items
3. Inventory Items
4. Enemies
5. Bosses
4. Level Secrets
5. Tips and Tricks
1. General Tips
2. Advanced Tricks
6. Codes
7. FAQs
8. References and Other Cool Stuff
9. Cool Things to Try
This document was written using EditPad Lite and is best viewed using a fixed
width font at 79 characters per line in Extended ASCII (aka ASCII-II) format.
Duke Nukem 3D is one of my favorite games of all time. It revolutionized first
person shooters, being the first to have a true 3D game engine (the DOOM engine
was a 2D hack).
In my opinion DN3D is a classic. If you have never played the game I encourage
you to do so especially since JonoF has ported it to the Windows platform, and
added a crap load of awesome features like OpenGL rendering, true-color textures,
and MIDI playback and authentic sound mixing--see above for link.
Even the original made in 1997 was absolutely awesome. For its time it had
cutting edge graphics and amazing sound. Even by today's standard DN3D is a
pretty badass game, and any game played 7 years after it was made has to be
pretty good.
I am writing this guide for my pure love of the game. I want people to find
this old classic and enjoy it. When they have looked everywhere and just can't
seem to find that one secret, I want them to have a resource that they can turn
to. That's why I took all the time and effort to make this the best guide