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Bowling For Columbine

Essay by   •  October 4, 2010  •  354 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,645 Views

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Director Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" presented a lot of issues on guns and gun control. The first and most that was spoken about is that of almost everyone in Littleton, Colorado having a gun, or a couple of guns, in their households. Parents in Littleton take their children out to hunt with them at an early age. And that instills the mindset of that child wanting a gun, as they get older. Also, having a gun laying around the house gives the children in that household the wanting to experiment with it, which can lead to them causing death on themselves or someone else mistakenly. Despite all the guns in the Littleton households the people don't mind leaving their doors unlocked at all times. They are not "scared" or are not "living with fear", as it is portrayed in this movie that other Americans, in particular those that don't live in the south, are. Now, as shown in the movie, the reason for Americans, that don't live in the south, "living with fear" is that of the news constantly talking about murders, crimes, and rapes happening all around us, which instills fear in our heads. In addition it causes those Americans to have multiple locks on their doors and to never forget to lock their doors. Also, that fear causes those Americans to purchase a gun for safety, which makes gun purchases go up to a higher percentage. This growth in gun purchasing can lead to more crimes or death, by someone who is "living with fear" mistakenly pulling the trigger on an intruder in their home or whenever they feel afraid.

In conclusion, there are so many guns distributed in America now that it would be too late and time consuming to get rid of all of them in our households. It is possible to issue more gun control with penalties, but it's hard to do when many Americans abide by the first Amendment of "rights to bare arms". Although there are some gun restrictions now,



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