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Brave New World (Family Unit Disccusion)

Essay by   •  December 8, 2010  •  514 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,074 Views

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Family Unit

Family plays no role what so ever in Brave New World. No mother or fathers. Babies are born with no family. No dads, moms, siblings. They're on their own. They are brain washed to think that everyone belongs to everyone. They are encouraged to have meaningless sex. In our time we have morals. Most people disagree the idea of pre=marital sex. We think for ourselves. We stick with our families and love them and support them. The huge difference between the family society in Brave New World and our world.... would be that they drop all families and we have our families. Everyone depends on himself or herself and there is hardly any love for the people of Brave New World. Mothers and fathers are not important. Children are raised on their own with the help of adult's brain washing them to believe in there beliefs. Most of our families and friends respect our ideas, beliefs, and rights. But in Brave New World everyone believes in the same thing. And if anyone doesn't then they are forced to think the same way. Not much freedom, rights, or beliefs are entitled in living in the society of Brave New World.

The children are the future, and are brain washed to carry on these ideas. The idea of having sex only for pleasure. The idea of only having one-night stands and no feelings for one another. The idea of only fallowing orders and not being able to think for yourself and only believe in other peoples beliefs. Children are forced to give up on there love ones and move onto new people. Basically one-night stands are encouraged. There is no need to stay one with one person, and only love them. When in there reality everyone belongs to everyone and that there is more people to sleep with instead of one person.

During our time now. Divorces are now more common now then it use to be. Back in the old days people



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