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Bulling Has to Stop!

Essay by   •  April 11, 2016  •  Essay  •  274 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,060 Views

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Bulling Has to Stop!

Bulling is a Problem!

Some people don’t realize how much bulling has increased over the years and how it’s affecting everyone. Over 3.2 Million people are victims of bullying each year. 90% of 4th-8th graders report being victims of bulling. Bulling is most likely to affect their education. It’s not just affecting their education it’s also hurting them physically and mentally. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school and the same amount drop out of school because of this matter.

How We Can Stop It!

We need to get people to stop bulling. Many people have committed suicide because they were being bullied, beating, and made fun of. Bullying caused about 75% of school-shooting incidents. Treat people with respect even though you may not like the person treat them with respect. Think about what you may say and how you may say it if you are not carful than someone will get hurt. If you see someone being bullied don't just walk away stand up for that person even if you don’t like them you may need them at some point as well.

We Can Stop It!

All over the world people are being bullied. This includes teenagers, young children, and even adults. About 56% of students have witnessed a form of bullying at school. Many people don’t report this and try to deal with it on their own. But sometimes that does not work out to well. Bulling has caused Suicide. There are about 4,400 deaths every year because of bulling. For every suicide there are about 100 suicide attempts. If we all work together we can put a stop to bulling.



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