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Business System Analysis, Bsa375

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Business System Analysis

BSA 375

Dawn Howard

June 16, 2004


We will look at upgrading and redesigning a previous existing business system. The system in place is a software bases parts information system used by most automotive dealership parts departments. We will look at the steps needed to reach the goal set by the end user. The steps will show the process needed to ensure the proper implementation of the completed system, which will allow the parts personnel to perform their duties more efficiently. Thus, saving time and money for the company because of a system that integrates all systems into one program.

To begin, the end user has a system in place that requires the need for written documentation along with the use of a computer bases software system. As it is now the parts department for the automotive dealership has the parts item information and pictures on computer for ease of access. The parts counter person looks up the parts information on the computer and writes the individual part numbers down for each part needed. He then has to go over to the first of two computers to locate the parts needed. The first computer lists all the parts that are stored within the dealership he is working at. If the part is not in stock he then goes to another computer that is linked to the manufactures main computer, which is located off site. He uses this computer to locate where the part may be, whether the part is at any local dealerships or somewhere within the country. If the part is not found to be at any local dealerships then he must order the part from the manufactures warehouse. To do this he must fill out a small paper order card with the customer's personal information and the vehicle information. From there at the end of the day he must call the warehouse and request all of the parts that had been ordered throughout the day. This usually takes around one hour or longer depending on the amount of parts that have been ordered that day.

With the increase in technology, the dealership is looking at streamlining their parts look-up, locating and ordering process. They wish to combine all the phases of operation into individual computer terminals and eliminate any need to write down information or to make lengthy calls to order parts.

To start, the analysis begins the process of learning all he can about the operation of the existing system that is in place. He looks at how the system works and what it was designed to do when it was implemented. He becomes familiar with any legal documentation or effect the system may have in the design and operation. There are five main sources the analysis may used to help gather information needed. These five sources are:

1. Interviews

2. Documentation

3. Observation

4. Questioners

5. Measuring

The interviews are a very good way to gain information on how the system is working and the problems with the system in place, along with what could be done to help improve the way the system works now. The analysis must have a very good idea of how the in-place system works so he can ask the proper questions to help him collect as much information as possible to help document all pertinent information so the documentation can be referred to during the design phase. After the analysis has performed the observation of the system, interviews, questioners and documented everything he must weigh all the information and sort though everything and find the most useful data so it can be condensed into a reasonable quantity so the development/design team will not have to spend all of their time reading data that may not be relevant to the system.

After determining the requirements for the system the team will then draw up the steps needed to perform the tasks ahead. These steps will lead into the System Development Life Cycle.

Utilizing the Business Process Re-engineering (BRP) concept to engage in a process that uses a completely new approach to a solution then what was previously used in the past by a development team. The new method tends to be much more efficient and effective then what the team had previously dealt with. The re-engineering procedure uses a much greater approach to thinking such that as used in performing the critical thinking practice. The BRP process uses the original system platform and streamlines the system for better and faster performance. As with other processes the system would be built from scratch causing more work and



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