Essay by 24 • December 29, 2010 • 762 Words (4 Pages) • 1,178 Views
Technology and Quality Control
"Stick It in Your Ear" discusses the increase in cell phones that will include the new Bluetooth technology. The technology is a wireless ear piece for convenient cell phone talk. This also acts as a safety feature so that an automotive driver will not have to hold the cell phone. Other business will benefit from this technology move. Technology also benefits supervisors with the boost in quality while creating greater value for customers.
Benefit of Ethical Behavior
The article sponsored by MADD, mothers against drunk driving, "Sober Up," benefits the workforce by contributing to saving lives. Obviously, it is ethical to want people to not get behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking because alcohol hinders the ability to even focus on small tasks like walking. Hopefully supervisors will stress the importance of being responsible. Even, restaurant workers will regulate the amount of alcohol that is served to a known driver for the night.
Advantages of Diversity
"Hiring Hall," this article talks about the number of Emerson engineers that foreign. Diversity is a challenge, but being open to diversity does eventually pay off. Sales are said to have increased. A growing influence of China-based design standards has been noticed. Therefore, Emerson will prosper from communicating through different cultures to improve its business internationally.
Diversity Training
The advertisement for Franklin Templeton Investments knows that being open to other cultures is a growing business technique. They have offices in more than 25 countries. This is a clever advertisement, and anyone that invests in this company will benefit from the hard work and patients. The ad does state that fluctuations and politics maybe shift the investments, but FT investments will be perspective and notify its investors.
Risks of Diversity
International Investing. Everyone in the US was affected by the 911 attacks. Stocks are being funded in foreign countries where terrorists do reside. Supervisors that are stationed at foreign businesses do make more money in these Middle Eastern countries, but is it worth the risk. I would probably invest with Croatia. The turnover seems good and terrorism isn't a big issue there. Although fear is noticed in the trade between these countries, money, investments, overcomes even the risk of death.
Everyone despises pop-up ads. The demand for an improvement to decrease the irritating ads has been around. Hopefully on day all unwanted ads will be filtered. A number of companies have benefitted from helping customers delete pop-ups through customer service. Even the government has been brought in to regulate and eventually pass laws to ban spam. Investors should pay attention to which Spyware is paying off.
"Beware of People"- Although animal-rights groups have been better