Essay by 24 • May 26, 2011 • 2,988 Words (12 Pages) • 1,015 Views
Unit 1 Intro to decision Making Amy McElroy by Amy.McElroy3 on 11/13/2007 12:37:54 PM
The Decision making software Super Decisions helps by using the analytical Hierarchy and Network Process developed by Thomas Saaty (Saaty, 2003). This process allows individuals to create a goal and possible solutions and lace a scale of importance on each option. (Saaty, 2003) This process helps individuals to understand that their biased nature is still playing a part in the decision software; it is just allowing individuals to see what is more important based on a numbers scale.
The decision making software has good points. (Plous, 1993) The process is very detailed and will help people who are having a hard time making a decision about goals that produce gains and loses. The individual that enjoys this process can also implement this process in there company by using the corporate software for group decision making. (
This software does not eliminate framing. Framing is a difficult thing to eliminate and this software and process has not eliminated the framing process.
This software is very useful for decisions that people want a similar outcome on, but can not choose the "right" (right in being the one that produces the most desirable outcome) one. References:
Plous, Scott (1993). The psychology of judgment and decision making.
Super decisions. Retrieved November 13, 2007, from
Creative decisions. Decision Making Unit 1 DB November 11, 2007
Utilizing the internet research has brought me to the Decision Making software SpotFire a TIBCO Divisions. Keeping in mind that the chosen decision making software's objective is to specifically to aid in the decision making processes. The company's mission statement really describes in a nutshell the overall objective behind the Decision Making Software. "A Solution that integrates analysis throughout the entire decision- making process is essential to creating an analysis-decision -action loop to maximize the enterprises return on experience."( How does the decision-making software you selected help with decision-making? What types of decisions is it designed to help make? The main purpose of the SpotFire Decision making software is to enable the user to deliver decisions at a faster and more efficient method. The Spotfire software allows a company to not only makes decisions at a faster pace, it also aids in the users ability to more effectively report its data to its audience. The software applications are set in place to better organize and deliver pertinent information, while at the same time communicating vital information needed to make the decisions. The main objective behind the SpotFire software is to provide the user to take an in-depth visibility of its information. It may be provided thru compiled spreadsheet data, charts, and or organized data visualization. Management operations and much more dependent on the industry needs. ( The software actually allows the user to interact with its data. Individuals can work thru a web based interactive site, build web based reports, and change inquires material in real time. To tie this back to the software, the fact that software delivers quick and concise answer. The user or decision maker does not have to worry about his or her preconceptions having an influence on the new information they are utilizing in their though process. Many different industries are already utilizing Spotfire software. Examples of industries that are already utilizing the decision making software. Again it goes back to the software's ability to aid in the organization and upkeep of vital company information. Marketing/ Sales: Marketing and sales companies utilize the software to better manage its employee contributions to company objectives and expectations. The software