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Essay by   •  November 27, 2010  •  512 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,471 Views

Essay Preview: Candide

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Candide by Voltaire

A Summary of Critiques

Candide by Voltaire is a classic book; a bestseller since it was first publicized in 1759. The book has been reviewed by many critics in its almost 250 year history, many of which have had only positive feedback. Candide's small size turns on many readers that aren't looking for epic sized books and its satire and quick pace keeps those readers interested.

"It's fast-paced, too...before you can get bored with any particular setting, it's up-sticks and off on another dreadfully funny misadventure." (Lucycat; As critiqued by lucycat, an avid reader on a book review forum, its fast pace is what keeps you in suspense and deters you from putting the book down. Though the book is antiquated, as nearly 250 years old, its concise speech opposed to the verbose nomenclature that was familiar to those times keeps many from having drool get on their book with boredom. Another turn-on of lucycat's was that the book had a sense of humor. During some instances by-passers would stare in curiosity at the bookworm cackling crazily at the classic Candide.

The satire of Voltaire's brilliance was also welcomed by many readers. "The pace is incredibly fast (almost too fast, at times), and the scathing wit and sarcasm is reminiscent of Fielding (although where Fielding would have taken several chapters to get a point across, Voltaire manages the same feat in a few words!). Some brilliantly funny observations of human frailties and failings, plus a lot to keep you thinking." (FutureCat; Another review by an avid book reader on the same forum at, is also very satisfied with the taste that the "greatest and most popular philosophical novel" by Voltaire left in her mouth. Having questions left to be answered; leaving



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