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Cardiology is mainly perceived as a study of the functions and disorders of the heart. However, it is really much more than that. Since 13,000 B.C. medicine has been a thriving area of study. Even more specifically than that, the heart has been a thriving area of study. As a result of the heart being the organ that keeps one alive, numerous physicians from the past and the present strived to decipher the heart. Since the heart has yet to be completely figured out, cardiology proves to be a promising career in the future.

In the beginning of time, herbalism was the first known form of medicine. At the time however it was more seen as a type of religion. Many people thought diseases were caused by the gods when they were angry. Therefore when one was sick, they would cut a hole in a person’s skull in order to free the spirits. That is the first known type of surgery. From herbalism evolved Indian Medicine. The Indian’s were partial to Ayurveda. Ayurveda is “an ancient Indian system of holistic medicine drawn from Vedic literature that seeks to balance individual imbalances through adjustments in diet, exercise, and sleep and involving herbs, aromas, meditation, and yoga to address health issues.” (Webster Dictionary of English) This Ayurveda is a becoming more popular in medicine today. (History of Medicine)

Egyptian medicine also played a major role in the medical knowledge available today. There were two Egyptian physicians whose discoveries were prevalent to the findings today. These two physicians were Imhotep and Hesyre. Persian medicine also had something to do with the medical technologies today. Persia had the first teaching hospital as well as the first comprehensive book of medicine. This book, The Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina, was used all way until the enlightenment. This book was a compilation of all of the medical knowledge at the time. (History of Medicine)

However, probably two of the most important cultures that helped with the medical knowledge today, are the Chinese and the Ancient Greek medicine. Back, many years ago the Chinese developed a practice called Acupuncture. Acupuncture is “a Chinese medical practice or procedure that treats illness or provides local anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specified sites of the body.” (Webster Dictionary of English) This practice was so important and effective, that the knowledge behind that is still used today in many cultures. Ancient Greek medicine was also very effective in the knowledge there is today regarding medicine. In 400 B.C. there was a man who contributed so much to the realm of medical knowledge today. This man was Hippocrates. Hippocrates is said to be the father of medicine. It wasn’t until Hippocrates that people realized medicine was science based over religion based. From all of Hippocrates experimenting, he derived a medicine system that is still used as a reference today. (History of Medicine)

Although studies of medicine have been popping up in history since 13,000 B.C., cardiology is surprisingly more of a recent study. In 1628, William Harvey made a discovery that opened the doors of cardiology. Harvey determined the details about blood circulation. Through this it was determined that the heart pumps blood to the rest of the body and is the central organ of the human body. Scientists played around with this theory and remained at a standstill for about a hundred years. (Occupational Outlook Handbook)

In 1706, Raymond de Vieussens described the chambers and vessels of the heart. This led to many new discoveries involving the heart and its functions. It is due to Vieussens’ discoveries that many heart surgeries can occur in the medical field today. Bypass surgeries and minimum

invasive surgeries could not occur without the prior knowledge of Vieussens’ findings. (History of Medicine

There were three discoveries that led to the cardiology as a practice of medicine. In 1733, Stephen Hales first measured blood pressure. With this discovery, the awareness of heart conditions was spread. People now knew if one’s heart was healthy or unhealthy on some levels. This contributed to cardiology as a practice of medicine because people were able to make diagnosis about the heart. In 1816, Rene T.H. Laennec invented the

stethoscope. This also contributed to cardiology as a practice of medicine. In 1903, William Einthoven invented the electrocardiograph. This led to cardiology as a medicine because it helped take down the rhythms of a heart to make sure that one’s heart was just the right speed. (Occupational Outlook Handbook)

In 1912, James Herrick took a huge step in the right direction when he discovered how heart disease occurs. From his research, he came up with the idea of hardening of the arteries and its contributions to affecting the heart. He realized that heart diseases occur when arteries aren’t functioning correctly. Therefore, if arteries were hardening blood flow couldn’t flow normally and the heart would loose blood and oxygen resulting in a diseased heart. (History of Medicine)

In 1938, Robert E. Gross performed the first heart surgery. He performed the surgery on the great vessels near the heart. This was monumental in cardiology history. With this, many other heart surgeries were able to be performed. In 1951, Charles Hufnagel developed a plastic valve to fix an aortic valve. (History of Medicine + Occupational Outlook Handbook)

In 1952, F. John Lewis performed the first open heart surgery. This was a huge event in the history of cardiology. Not only did Lewis perform the surgery, but the outcome was

successful. Five years later, the pacemaker was invented. In 1957, Earl Bakken invented the pacemaker. This was a mammoth invention for cardiology. With this invention peoples heart rhythms could be corrected. Then, ten years later in 1967, Christiaan Barnard completed the first whole heart transplant. (History of Medicine)

In 1982, Robert Jarvik created the first artificial heart. Since the invention of the artificial heart, there have been no such inventions in cardiology. There has been much research done to promote more inventions in the area cardiology, but there have been no results. (History of Medicine)

Today, jobs in cardiology are increasing rapidly. Due to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, cardiologists are needed more now than ever. With a promising salary, many people are intrigued. On average, starting cardiologists make $125,000 a year. However, after the second year, many cardiologists’ salaries double so that they are making $250,000 a year. (Colla) That is only one of the perks of being a cardiologist these



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