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Censorship: Is It a Curse or Blessing?

Essay by   •  March 21, 2016  •  Essay  •  403 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,555 Views

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Censorship: is it a curse or blessing?

Undoubtedly it is sex and violence, which attract the most of the public attention. Many people are outraged (возмущены, шокированы) at the frankness of contemporary films. Although others may appreciate the greater freedom it reflects. But people’s views on what is permissive differ widely, that’s why it’s impossible to define whether censorship is a curse or a blessing.

On the one hand it limits people’s freedom to watch what they like. Banning some films or programs out of ethical reasons may lead to the fact that the viewers can get used to take it for granted, even if they do not agree with something. It may lead to the situation when some TV-shows or movies will be forbidden out of political reasons, but the audience will become so indifferent and passive, that won’t even notice this.

On the other hand censorship is essential in our contemporary world. Today too many explicit scenes of sex and violence are shown on TV. Some people consider it offensive; they cannot tolerate casual inclusions of swearing before the notional watershed either. Foul language, gratuitous sex scenes and excessive violence have a detrimental effect on children and encourage them to imitate that cruel behavior, which they see on the screen. That’s why censorship should exercise control on what is shown, especially before the watershed.

According to the poll, held in GB, parents are not much concerned about their children’s viewing. They throw the onus on program-makers, which is cowardly and irresponsible. While at home children cannot be prohibited from viewing by anyone except their parents. That’s why in order to provide the parents with some assistance, adult American movies now carry an “R” for Restriction Recommended.

The BBC also takes some measures to prevent young viewers from watching smutty shows and indecent (непристойный) movies. It announced a tough curb (сдерживание) on TV sleaze (аморальность), ordering sex, violence and bad language. News producers must take great care as well, so that not to linger on (задерживаться) bloody consequences of an accident or a terrorist attack.



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