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Essay by   •  April 5, 2011  •  411 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,003 Views

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"I am opposed to any form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson.

Censorship is the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society. Censorship should be abolished because it creates a lack of open-mindedness in society. Limiting the freedom for people to choose censorship does not prepare young minds for the real world. The real world can be harsh and ugly; books, television, and news outlets have a duty to tell the truth.

Anything that stops the mind from expanding and growing may be detrimental to society. Censorship is just that, it holds society back from making its own decisions. Why wake up in the morning if your choices are all made for you? A child needs proper nutrition, rest, and exercise to grow. Stimulating the mind is an impetrative part of growth; good or bad, it keeps us from being naпve. According to Electronic Frontier Foundation, "Censorship is a short term benefit for schools and a long term problem."

When students attend school and continue their education at an institute these students later find when they step into the real world life becomes increasingly difficult, because their lives were overwhelmingly sheltered by censorship. A senator in Washington decided for you and for everyone around you what was deemed appropriate to view.

One must recognize that censorship and the ideology supporting it go back to ancient times. Every society has had customs, taboos, or laws by which speech, dress, religious observance, and sexual expression were regulated.

In Athens Greece, where democracy first emerged, censorship was well known as a means of enforcing the prevailing orthodoxy.

If you personally have a problem with what you are hearing, watching, or reading then do not be apart of it; walk away. There are other alternatives to stop unwanted media coming into your home,



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