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Ch. 14

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C.T.-Describe the differences of this time period

If slavery was considered "right".


1) The Compromise of 1850 was a dispute on whether or not Mexico (gained by US) would become a slave or free state. The northerners didn't want the 36'30' line to be moved to the Pacific and the southerners didn't want "free soilism" which would make Mexico a free state. Northerners gained from the Compromise California as a free state, New Mexico and Utah as likely future slave states, a favorable settlement of the New Mexico-Texas boundary, and the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Colombia. Southerners gained the burial of the Wilmot Proviso's persistence of new territories being free states, but the position of the free-soilers remained viable, for the compromise left open the question of whether Congress could prohibit slavery in territories outside the Mexican cession. -How did the Compromise of 180 affect Southerners?

2) The Fugitive Slave Act affected the relationship between the two sides because often when a slave would leave and escape to the North, northerners wouldn't do anything to help get the slave back, in fact, in most incidents northerners tried to help keep slaves away from southerners if they escaped. South began to realize that opposition to slavery in the North was a threat to what they believed.-What was the Fugitive Slave Act and how did it hurt Southerners?

3) Uncle Tom's Cabin made many people convert to the belief that slavery was wrong and evil. It caused many people to view southerners as evil people. It also made northerners have sympathy for black slaves.-How did this book affect people's view of slavery?

4) The second party system collapsed because Whigs began to split into two groups: the American (know-nothing) Party and the Republican Party. Whigs also began to fall apart because of immigration. They thought immigration would not be important because they wouldn't be a big enough force for voting. So when the Whigs tried to get immigrant votes it just backfired and caused them to lose some ground with Protestant Whigs because the party had a hard anti-immigrant stand. -What was the second party system?

5) The Nebraska-Kansas Act made many people angry because they thought that it was another territory that would be a slave state and not free. The idea of making it a state was to benefit Northerners because they were going to put a railroad system going through the Midwest to the pacific. It also flatly contradicted the Missouri Compromise because one of the territories was free and the other slave when both should have been free. -When was the Nebraska-Kansas Act made and what is it?

6) The Republican Party was established to be a sort of refuge for antislavery voters. The party was a coalition of "formers": former Whigs, former Democrats, and former Know-Nothings. It stood for Free- Soilers, the Missouri Compromise and abolitionism.-Why was the Republican Party made?

7) Many things caused the civil wars in Kansas. Most recognizable of these is the fact that proslavery Missourians rode into Kansas to make sure that slavery becomes law. By doing this though they had to cheat and were eventually found out. This caused an uproar, so proslavery men began to attack antislavery cities and vice a versa. -Why was Kansas referred to as "Bloody Kansas"

8) James Buchanan, John C. Fremont, and Millard Fillmore. Democratic, Republican, and American. Issues were on slavery. Important because it was the end of the Know-Nothing Party and signaled the start of moderate candidates. Democrats needed to find more people like Buchanan because he appealed to Southerners and Northerners alike. -Why was the election of 1856 important?

9) The decision in the Dred Scott case was that Scott remains a slave because he was never allowed to sue the federal courts. It impacted every type of person. Free-soilers thought that this decision was wrong because it didn't follow the Missouri Compromise.



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