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Change Management

Essay by   •  November 8, 2016  •  Case Study  •  1,346 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,255 Views

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Conflict Management and Stress Management  

Change Management Paper Assignment

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Group                                :                EXCLUSIVE LEADERS

Student’s                        :                RETHWIK REDDY






Term                                 :                III

Course code                        :                EPM 4133

Instructor                        :                Joan Rempel


In the sociology, we study an aspect called “resonance.”  Resonance is the state of a method in which an abnormally high response is generated by the system, as compared to a standard external motive.  Once again, it is we are most occupied in the “cause” and “effect” relationship.  Resonances are witnessed in many Practical systems.

There are situations in behavioral and emotional system, where an external inducement causes some form of a larger than expected acknowledgment on the part of the person affected by the stimulus.  

Leadership is the key to project success, and this essay proposes a path to efficient leadership through this resonance concept. Resonance is defined as the transfer of a positive and emotional state from one to another. The positive emotions increase productivity and boost the immune system, it introduces and defines the concept of a RESONANT PROJECT MANAGER.

So, as a resonant project managers, look for those issues that will strike a “resonance” in each of our stakeholders, issues which we can call upon time and again to obtain a greater than anticipated response to our message. They will find that our materials are numerous, and can be included upon to reach project team members, sponsors of business functional groups.  Some of these topics might be Organizational Change Management plans, Risk Analysis and Vendor Management.

So, let’s look at CHANGE MANAGEMENT.

Change management is a wide term used to describe change at both the individual and organizational level.

The term Change Management is;

  • The task of handling change.
  • An area of professional discipline.
  • A body of knowledge consisting of models, methods, techniques, and other tools.
  • A power tool consisting of requirements, standards, processes, and procedures.

Definition of change management is the coordination of a structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve eternal change within a company, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level. [BNET Business Dictionary]


First, as a Resonant Project Manager, we need to prove our efficiency to all who need to get behind the change. This is easier when there’s a disaster at hand than when only we and a few other leaders see the rationale for the change. But if we’re the first one to see that we have a standing problem needs to be significantly transformed to change the tastes of a rapidly-changing market, then we need to lead the right facts and evidence to make our case. This is a must. We shouldn’t escape it. But that alone isn’t enough.

Along with this, we need to create in the minds of those we want to engage a very compelling picture, a vision of how much better it’s going to be once we succeed in making this change. In other words, we need to give people something to change for. So, fixing the quality problem is the honor involved in adhering to our culture of quality and the enthusiasm of winning in the marketplace through constant innovation.

We need to establish a team of groups who gain our motive for change and agree to lead it with us. This is not always easy. Be that as it may, our job as a resonant project manager, is to win over “Engagement” to help us move our change schedule forward. This reinforces the critical importance of building our change.

So we need to provide possibilities for a broad range of individuals to actually get in with us to make change occur. We also need to structure this responsibility to ensure that, pretty quickly, we can achieve some small wins that indicate success and drive our team to remain to move this new change plan forward.

Once these early win starts to happen, we need to cheerlead as if the change depended on upon it. It’s usually best if we organize and plan all of this priory, not make it up as we go along. Just following this structure above and at least think it before we start. That’s what we mean by managing change vs. letting change manage us.



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