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Chapter 12

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I) Chapter 12: An Age of Expansion 1830-1860

A) Movement of the Far West

1)Borderlands of the 1830's

a: People began to expand to the west, north and southwest. Because of this land issues occurred so military actions had to happen so that land issues could be settled.

b: People would view the land Indians as land to take. The Mexicans decided they would try to take majority of their land and took control of it, leaving the Indians without land.

2)The Texas Revolution

a: The major thing that was an issue was the Catholic views that the Mexicans had and that the Anglo-Americans had. To solve the problem Mexicans said that Anglo-Americans had to become Mexicans to resolve the problem.

b: Settlement really began in 1834 which led the General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to form a government. He formed a federal government that helped everything today.

3)The Republic of Texas

a: Because of the new government Texas had, they adopted many of the things the United States had formed in their government.

b: The very first president in Texas was Sam Houston, the very first thing he did as president was test the waters with Washington to see where Texas was in everything.

4) Trails of Trade and Settlement

a: Trade with New Mexico began to occur and because the route they had to go, they went occurs the Indian territory and because of this they would travel in large groups.

b: The famous trail that occurred because of all the trade was the Oregon trail which was now the most popular trail to travel when trading.

5) The Mormon Trek

a: The Mormon Trek began when Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism announced his finding's and wanted to share his information with everyone.

b: Even after Smith passed away his findings were still growing, because he had many followers, they still wanted to follow in his footsteps and keep the religion going.

B) Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War

1)Tyler Texas

a: In 1843 John Tyler decided to take full care of the Texas government, since he did help the former president William Henry Harrison.

b: Slavery became a major arguments because Texas was right in the middle of slaved and no-slaved states.

2) The Triumph of Polk and Annexation

a: Because Tyler's views were different from both of the parties in Texas he was unable to speak his poison, which did not help the conditions of the future election.

b: Congress began to have second thoughts about the Texas Annexation and this lead to the outcome of Polk's victory in office.

3)The Doctrine of Manifest Destiny

a: The out come of Polk's final victory was of course Texas Annexation and the summer of 184,when a movement occurred in Texas.

b: The meaning of Manifest Destiny was that the United States could one day, hopefully gain control of the Northern part of the American continent.

4) Polk and the Oregon Question

a: Great Britain was still wanting to fight with the United States and things never did get better even after the war of 1812.

b: The only reason people agreed



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