Chapter 15
Essay by 24 • December 17, 2010 • 1,259 Words (6 Pages) • 1,218 Views
Chapter 15: Forging the national Economy (1790-1860)
I. The Westward Movement
a. USn marched quickly toward west( very hard w/ disease & loneliness)
b. Frontier people were individualistic, superstitious & ill-informed
II. Shaping the Western Landscape
a. westward movement molded environment
-tobacco exhausted land *& moved on, but "Kentucky blue grass" thrived
b. ecological imperialism
-trapped beavers, sea otters, and Bison to manufacture for East
c. spirit of nationalism led to appreciation of American wilderness
-Catlin pushed for national park & achieved it w/ Yellowstone in 1872
III. The March of the Millions
a. mid-1800s, pop cont'd to double every 25 years
b. 1860-orginial 13 states now has 33 states; pop 4th in the world(Russ, Fra, Austria)
c. urban growth cont'd explosively
-1790-only New York & Philadelphia had >20,000 people, but 1860, 43 had
-brought bad sanitation Ðo sewage system & pipe-in water
d. high birthrate had accounted for pop growth, but near 1850s, millions of Irish, German came
-bec. surplus pop. in Euro but not all came to US 25/60 million
-appealing of US(land, freedom from church, aristocracy, 3 meat meals a day)
-intro of transoceanic steamship(reduce traveling to 12 days, death rate high not as bad)
IV. The Emerald Isle Moves West(1830s-1960s-2 million)
a. Irish potato famine in mid-1840s led to death of 2million & many flee to US
-"Black Forties"--mainly came to big city-Boston, esp New York(biggest Irish city)
-illiterate, discriminated by Old USn, received lowest of job(railroad building)
-hated by Protestants bec. catholic
-USn hated Irish(NINA); Irish hated competition w/ blacks for job
-Ancient Order of Hibernians(serve to aid Irish)
-gradual property owning (grand success), children edu. Cut short to buy land
-attracted to politics, filled police dept.
-politician tried to appeal to Irish by yelling at London
V. The German Forty-Eighters
a. 1 million poured in bet 1830s-1860s bec. crop failures & loose of rev of 1848 toward liberalism
-liberals such as Carl Schurz contributed to elevation of US politic
-had more $ than Irish so bought land in west esp. in Wisconsin
-votes crucial so wooed by US politicians but not as potent bec. spread out
-contributed to US culture (Christmas tree); isolationism
-urged public education & freedom(enemies of slavery)
-resentment from Old bec. group & aloof; brought beers to US
VI. Flare-ups of Antiforeignism
a. "nativists" prejudiced newcomers in jobs, poli, religion
b. catholic became major relig group bec. immigration of 1840s, 50s & set out to build catholic school
c. nativist feared that Catholicism build on Protestantism (popish idols) so formed "Order of star-spangled Banner"
-met in secrecy-"Know-Nothing" party
-fought for restriction on immigration, naturalization & deportation of alien paupers
-wrote fiction books about corruption of churches
-mass violence, ex. Philadelphia 1844-burned churches, schools, people killed
-made America pluralistic society w/ diversity
-no longer hated bec. crucial to eco expansion & more availability of jobs
VII. The March of Mechanization
a. Industrial revolution spread to US & US destined to be an industrial giant bec.
-land was cheap, labor scare, $ for investment plentiful, raw materials not discovered
-lacked consumer for factory-scale manufacturing
-British long-estab. factory was competition
-kept textile to own monopoly(forbade travel of crafts men & export of machine)
b. US remained very rural to farming
VIII. Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine
a. Samuel Slater - "Father of the Factory System"
-learned machinery when working in British FactoryÐo escaped to US, aided by Moses BrownÐo build 1st cotton thread spinner in US (1791)
b. Eli Whitney build a cotton gin (50 times more effective than hand picking cotton)
-cotton eco now profitable, saved the South to King Cotton
-south flourished & expanded cotton kingdom toward west
-north factories manufactured, esp. New England (w/ poor soil, dense labor, access to sea, river for water power)
IX. Marvels in Manufacturing
a. embargo of war of 1812 encouraged home manufacture
b. w/ peace of Ghent, British poured in surplus in cheap $, forcing close of American factory
c. congress passed Tariff of 1816 to protect US eco
d. Eli Whitney introduce machine made replaceable parts (on muskets)-1850