Essay by 24 • November 21, 2010 • 778 Words (4 Pages) • 1,347 Views
Chemistry 4018
Ebola Virus
Ebola is classified to be a haemorrhagic fever. The Ebola virus is a part of the Filoviridae family.Ebola haemolrrhagic fever is an illness that causes the death of between
50 and 90% of all the clinically ill cases, diliverance of this disese seems to come from the reservoirs located in the rainforests of the African continents and in areas of the Western Pacific.
The Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs or fluids of other infected people.Burial grounds where mourners have direct contact
with the body of the deceased play a significant role in the transmission of Ebola. The infection of human cases with the Ebola virus has been documented through the
hands of infected chimpanzees, gorrillas, and forest antelopes, both dead and alive.The transmission of the Ebola Restoration through the handling of cynomolgusmonkeys
have also been reported. Healthcare workers have frequently been infected while treating Ebola patients, through contact without the use of of the correct infection control
precautions and adequate barrier method pocedures.
The Ebola virus has a 21 day incubation period. Ebola is often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain. sore throat. This is commonly
followed by vomiting, diarhea, rash impaired kidney and liver function in some case, both internal and external bleeding.
The first filovirus was recognized in 1967 when a number of laboratory workers in Germany and Yugoslavia, who were handling tissues from the green monkeys developed
haemorrhagic fever. It appears that filoviruses are zoonotic, that is, transmitted to humans from ongoing life cycles in animals other than humans.
Lab reports show that as a result low counts of white blood cells and platelets as well as elevated liver enzymes.Specialized lab test on blood specimens detect specific
antigens and or genes. Antibodies to the disese can be detected, and the virus can be isolated in cell culture.Tests of the present an extreme biohazzard risk and are only
conducted under maximum biologically contained conditions. Scientist have developed a diagnostic tecqnique that includes non-invasive methods of diagnosis.Scientists
test Saliva and Urine samples.The test inactivated samples to provide rapid laboratory results to support case management during outbreak control activities.
Severe cases of Ebola require intensive supportive care, as patient are frequently dehydrated due to vomiting and diarhea , they need intraenous fluids or oral rehydration
vith various saline solutins