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Chez Republic

Essay by   •  May 30, 2011  •  1,781 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,610 Views

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1.) What is mission on EU? How does if differ from FTAA?

According to the Europa website, "For centuries, Europe was the scene of frequent and bloody wars. In the period 1870 to 1945, France and Germany fought each other three times, with terrible loss of life. A number of European leaders became convinced that the only way to secure a lasting peace between their countries was to unite them economically and politically." The period starts when the EU was first known as the ECSC, which stood for European Coal and steel community. It was first formed between the European countries of France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg. They established this agreement because they had gone to war over these raw materials and were sick of fighting over them. They felt with the formation of the ECSC they could create a common market and integrate inspection, production planning and resource exploitation.

The six countries decided to expand and create a common market. They also agreed on other issues such as nuclear power. In 1986 they increased to twelve members. After agreeing on many different issues with these new countries, that is when the EU was formed. The European Union's membership of democratic European countries stands at twenty five. They formed the membership after WWII looking to bring peace and prosperity to Europe. They have a strong position and values favoring democracy, freedom, and social justice.

As a trading bloc the EU seems to be centered more on uniting nations rather than ensuring trade contracts. They brought about the Euro in 1992 to allow a more desirable atmosphere for doing business and eliminating the risk of exchange rate. Belonging to the EU has advantages like being able to travel between EU countries avoiding boarder checks and passport requirements. The use of the Euro allows currency exchanges between EU countries financial institutions and businesses easier. Travelers can compare prices with neighboring countries and not be taxed differently.

The FTTA was made for several reasons. First is a view of trade liberalization in trying to generate economic growth and prosperity. This liberization includes contributing to the expansion of world trade to generate increasing levels of trade in goods and services, and investment, by means of market liberalization, through [fair, clear, stable, and predictable] [fair, transparent, predictable, coherent and with no counter-effect on free trade]. Secondly, to enhance competition and improve market access conditions for goods and services among the Parties, including in the area of government procurement. Third, to eliminate barriers, restrictions and/or unnecessary distortions to free trade among the Parties,[including unfair trade practices, para-tariff measures, unjustified restrictions, domestic subsidies and aids to trade in goods and services]. Lastly, the FTTA eliminate the barriers to the movement of capital and business persons among the Parties.

EU differs from FTAA in a few ways. The FTAA will empower corporations to constrain governments from setting standards for public health and safety, to safeguard their workers, and to ensure corporations do not pollute the communities in which they operate. Effectively, FTAA rules will handcuff governments' ability to pass public interest laws. The agreement will enhance corporate power at the expense of citizens throughout the Americas. This differs from the EU because the EU is trying to unify European countries. The FTAA is more concerned about the laws and trade agreements that countries have in place in North and South America and the Caribbean.

2.) What is required of countries seeking EU membership? Explain why certain countries were accepted or rejected? What are concerns about Turkey becoming a member?

According to the EU treaties, any country in Europe may apply for membership. The applicant country can join if it has a stable democracy that guarantees the rule of law, human rights and the protection of minorities. Countries seeking membership in the EU must meet the following guidelines. Politically, the country must have stable institutions guaranteeing democracy for all people regardless of race, gender, or religious beliefs. In economic terms, the country has to have an established and functioning market economy that has the capacity to handle competitive pressure on the Union's internal market. Administratively, the country's infrastructure must include public authorities which are able to implement and enforce Community law established by the EU. Countries have been declined acceptance to the EU because they are not able to comply with the requirements that are in place. Some countries are rejected from the EU for obvious reasons like not being in the designated geographic area. For example, Morocco was denied acceptance to the EU because it wasn't considered a European Country by this geographic designation.

Turkey on the other hand has a few things going against them. One of the concerns about Turkey becoming a member is because it is largely Muslim and could it become democratic and secular? Some feel that Turkey is susceptible to returning to a military dictatorship rule. Another concern about Turkey joining is their ties with the United States. Some feel that Washington has been pushing for Turkey to join the EU in hopes that it may weaken the EU. One other concern is about Turkey's geostrategic dimension and economy. According to an Article in the BBC, "Europe will also increase its scrutiny of Turkey's efforts to carry out political and human rights reforms recently passed by parliament - in the hope that whichever government emerges in November it does not reverse those reforms, or that poor implementation does not make them irrelevant." The article goes on further to say "Some do express concern - citing economic reasons - about the prospect of millions of relatively poor Turks flooding the EU labor market." Critics feel that Turkey doesn't have much for foreign policy and an autonomous security system. They feel that they may rely on the EU for a lot of help, rather than being an asset to the EU.

3. Discuss 1 of the new entrants to the EU.

Czech Republic is located in central Europe with a population around 10.2 million people and is about the size of S. Carolina. The Czech Republic was inducted into the EU in 2004. The Czech Republic is one of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Growth in 2000-05 was supported by exports to the EU, primarily to Germany, and a strong recovery of foreign and domestic investment. With



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