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Child Abuse

Essay by   •  December 24, 2010  •  1,043 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,464 Views

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Child Abuse

Child abuse has been here as long as the United States of America and throughout the history of the World. "Child abuse can cause serious harm to its victims. Estimates of the numbers of children who suffer physical abuse or neglect by parents or guardians range from about 1 percent of all children to about 15 percent, and figures are far higher if emotional abuse and neglect are included."(2. Quote from Encyclopedia Britannica 2007.) You see and hear about different cases of child abuse all the time in news reports, online, newspapers, film and sometimes by word of mouth in your community. We view these cases as deplorable acts of violence but why do we not we stop this altogether?

The history of child abuse has been a long withstanding one. Researchers have found it to start as early when the child is born. A baby will cry and usually a good mother will console her child and try to calm it down. It will help bring down any anger emotion she may have experienced. (1. )

However, when you get a mother who is very immature at the time when she has her baby, which is when it turns to abuse. The mother will say she never felt any love at all during her life. They will also think when a baby would cry, that it means the baby does not love them at all. She will see that as an excuse or reason to hit her child. They will use all their emotions, fears, angers into their child to get rid of any depression or anxiety they have either experienced before, during, and after childbirth. (1

There also have been reported child abuses all the way around the world. India has had childhood marriages for years upon years. Fathers would marry daughters and even mothers would marry daughters. Even you have the most bizarre one in grandparents marrying their grandchildren. The children of India are abused starting at the early ages of five and six to sex dorms. They would be gang rape by older people as much three days at a time. China is very much so like India with their child abuse. Boys and girls prostituting themselves is a very common occurrence. The children would also acts as servants and slaves to the older people. A practice used in China was foot binding where a girl would crush her bones so that men could use that as a sexual fetish. Mothers in Japan would put their kids to sleep by masturbation. Parents would have sex with their kids and even sleep in the same bed with them. (1

Evolution also plays a big factor in child abuse. Mother-daughter relationship, which so many people value may also be damaged. If a little girl has a bad childhood starting at a young age, when they grow up and give birth to children, they will always go back to that painful childhood. Changes in the environment also will not help change anything. The childhood of the individual has to change in such a way that the brain can adapt in a way. (1

With boys and child abuse, religion is brought into the matter. The father who is God sent his only son who is Jesus to be who is, "penetrated by a soldier's lance" (1 This in turn, would be the practice of fathers giving their sons to their neighbors to have sex



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